Midnight POV
When I heard what happened I drove to the hospital so fast a cop stopped me when I got there to give me a warning. I ignored him and ran inside.
The lady at the counter gave me the room and I ran down the hallway. I saw Shota at the door.
"Shota please tell me she's ok." I said trying to keep tears in my eyes.
"She's just fine thanks to Recovery girl. Her blood count is really low unfortunately. She only has 40% of blood in her body she's right in between." He said and my tears fell.
"You can go see her she's awake." He said and I went inside.
I saw her walking back to bed with a blood bag hanging on a IV stand following her. She looks so pail I wanted to cry.
"Y/n my sweetheart here let me help." I said walking over and helping her into bed.
"Thanks Nemuri." She said laying down.
"No problem how are you feeling?" I asked sitting in a chair next to her.
"I'm good a little light headed and shaky." She said voice scratchy.
"My poor baby I was so worried." I said.
"Here I will get you some juice. I will be right back." I said getting up after she nodded.
I closed the door behind me as I looked at the ground.
"Excuse me." I heard a woman say. I looked up seeing a small lady with green hair.
"Yes?" I said.
"Is this girl in here." She showed me a picture of Y/n and Izuku kissing.
"Oh yes why?" I asked.
"I just need to talk to her." She said and I stopped her from going inside.
"You're Izukus mother right? I'm sorry but she's not doing to good. What did you want to talk to her about?" I asked.
"She's a villain right? I can't have my son kissing her or or anything with her." She said and I got a bit mad.
"I'm sorry I can't allow you to do that. Midoriya is her best friend and whatever they are. He has made her happy." I said looking at the short woman.
"She's a villain you must understand." She said and I rolled my eyes.
"She's in there almost dead because she was protecting your son. She got her throat slit and stabbed in the side and gutted to protect your son. Your a mother right. I might not be her real mom but I want her as happy as she can get right now. So you can turn around and go talk to your son about it before you talk to her." I said and she nodded.
I watched her walk away before turning around and going to get a juice for Y/n.
I heard loud talking out in the hallway. I didn't care I was in pain. I sighed laying back against my pillows. I put a hand on my lower side where I basically got gutted. I'm so grateful for Todoroki.
Now that I think about it Izuku is going to be so mad. I sighed hoping he is ok.
Izuku POV
I woke up. I looked to the side to see my mother in a chair. She seems upset. I looked to her hands and she's looking at my phone.
"Mom." I said getting her attention. She stood tears falling from her eyes.
"What is this young man." She asked showing me my phone background of me and Y/n kissing in that flower field. I smiled softly at the picture.

Blood Lust
RomanceY/n and her family are rich. Her sister apparently got her quirk first and her parents were so happy when that happened they didn't really think about Y/n until a day after. After a while they had just assumed she was quirkless. After a bad car acc...