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It's been two days since Haruto was taken from us. Everyone has been trying everything. I can't do anything so I called the one person that could.

Y/n has been mute ever since. Her leg was treated and healed thankfully. Me and Kacchan stood at the front door as Y/n sat quietly on the couch zoned out.

"I really need your help." I said to Kacchan who leaned on the door frame.

"With what?" He asked.

"CPS took Haruto right after Y/n had a miscarriage. She's really bad right now." I whispered and moved aside to show him her state. He grabbed my shirt and dragged me out the house.

"Out of everything that's happened this is what brakes her?" He asked and I nodded sadly.

"To be honest it's gotten to me too." I said and he raised a eyebrow.

"How?" He asked.

"I beat the shit out of her dad. He was the one who called CPS. I think he is in the hospital." I said a bit ashamed.

"I would have too. Look I will see what I can do but why can't you do anything?" He asked.

"Because I'm Haruto's father and I'm dating y/n." I said and he sighed.

Meanwhile Y/n POV

Once Bakugo took Izuku out the house I got up and went in our room. I changed in a black hoodie and pants and snuck out the window. I left the community without anyone noticing and went to the one place I could think of.

A hour later I finally made it. I got on a roof and apparently there was a window on the top of this building. I went in and apparently I was in a apartment. It was old and dusty. I got down from the bed loft and went to the door. I walked down the stairs and opened the door seeing the old man sitting at the desk. He looked up.

"Ah Y/n. You could have used the front door." Mark said and I shrugged. I sat in a chair and got my phone. I pulled up a picture of the guy that ripped Haruto out my arms. I slid it on the desk over to him. He looked confused and looked at the picture.

"You want me to find this guy?" He asked. I nodded putting my hands in between my legs. He looked on his computer as my phone kept going off. I grabbed it and put it on silent.

"Ok this guy works for the government you know that right CPS." He said and I nodded.

"Wait may I ask why you want this guy?" He asked and I sighed.

"He ripped my son out my arms. I never hurt him." I whispered and he nodded.

"Ok I will fine some information. Meanwhile how about you go do something." Mark said and I nodded wiping a tear away.

"Ok." I whispered and got up.

I left the club and decided to go to the store. I got some flowers and made my way to the cemetery that was nearby.

I walked through the graveyard looking at names and dates. When I came up on the one i was looking for.

M/n l/n.

Loving mother and wife.

I sighed looking down at the grave that I haven't visited since I left home years ago. I sat on the ground as I put the flowers on the grave.

"I wish you were here mom." I whimpered.

"Maybe if you were nun of this would have happened and I wouldn't be wanting to join you right now. I'm tired of all this villain or hero crap. I just want to live in peace without anyone bothering me. I just want my son back." I cried holding myself.

"Maybe if I had died in the crash with you nun of this would have happened. I'm not saying I regret Haruto no. I just..... me being in his life cossed so much trouble for him and Izuku." I cried hoping somehow she would answer.

Of course she never did.

I sat there for a while as the sun went down. Soon Mark sent me information on the guy. So I went to his place.

I sat in the living room waiting and watching the guy come home. He turned the light on and jumped seeing me.

"You know I'm not even mad at you." I chuckled to myself.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You were only doing your job but." I got up and walked over to him.

"Just umm you know who I am right? So just know out of everything that's happened in my life you broke me. You did it." I chuckled as tears fell. He looked down.

"I am sorry." He said and I sighed.

"Yeah well not your fault." I whispered. I moved past him and to the door.

"By the way I never hurt him. Whatever my father said never happened." I said before leaving the mans home.

I went to my dads house. He was apparently in the hospital already so I did what I wanted to his house. I told all staff to leave with there things and I set the place on fire. Once it was in golfed in flames I took a picture of the house. I sent it to him with a message.

Y/n: This is what happens when you take thing's that don't belong to you. If I don't get him back at all I will do the same to you. I can snap back to who i was.

Y/n: that means you're putting Sister in danger and your grandkids. I don't care that we get along now. I will kill her while you watch helplessly. Because that's how it felt when Haruto was ripped out my arms.

Y/n: this is your only warning.

I sent and I sighed watching the house burn.

"Y/n." I heard a voice behind me. I turned seeing Izuku.

"What?" I asked looking at him with dead and depressed eyes. His eyes widened at me speaking.

"How about you come home." He said and I shook my head.

"No. I can't." I said and sat on the ground. He sighed and walked over. He sat next to me.

"Why's that?" He asked softly.

"I can't do this anymore I'm so tired. I don't even care about being a villain anymore and Haruto has taken up all my time so my quirk doesn't care either. I should just leave so Haruto and you can have a good life." I let out and he sighed.

"Please don't we all have our problems Y/n that's why I'm here to help you out of this state you're in." He whispered.

"How are you going to get Haruto back? Huh how?" I cried.

"We can figure something out we always do." He said and I huffed. It was quiet for a minute.

"So you beat the shit out of dad." I said and he nodded.

"You burnt his house down I think you win." He laughed and I giggled.

"Let's get you home Y/n." He said standing. I grabbed his hand and we went home.

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