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Me and Izuku were playing a hero video game in his dorm when Aizawa came in.

"Y/n you need to come with me." I looked up from the game and nodded.

"Ok. See you later Izuku." I said getting up and walking to Aizawa.

"Bye Y/n." Izuku said before Aizawa closed the door.

Aizawa didn't say much as we walked to were ever. I was skipping along side him. I didn't know what me and Izuku were we haven't talked about it but I was still happy anyway.

We walked into the principals office. There are two officers and some guy in a suit. Aizawa made me sit in a chair.

"What's all this?" I questioned.

"We are rethinking all this." The guy in the suit said.

"Or at least have you as the first one to do all this." He said and I was confused.

"Y/n we are considering putting you in Tartarus." Nezu said and my heart dropped.

"What? Why? I um barley did anything." I said getting scared.

"Y/n your sister is in the hospital because you raged out yesterday." Aizawa said standing behind me.

"Besides you admitted to Izuku Midoriya that killing is a drug for you and your quirk. Your teachers have explained that it's most likely quirk related so we have to put you away." The guy in the suit said and my heart was raising.

"What Izuku wouldn't say that." I said I didn't want to believe that he sold me out.

"He did." The guy said and I leaned back in the chair.

"How long is my sentence." I asked looking at the floor.

"Life." The guy said and I nodded.

"Ok well can I at least go to the bathroom before I'm put in cuffs?" I asked and everyone nodded.

I got up and walked out the door. When it closed I hung my head down. Tears falling to the ground as I looked at my feet.

"Why does everyone betray me." I growled sadly to myself. I looked up seeing Izuku looking at me from way down the hallway. I glared at him before making sure no one in that room can see me. I then ran the opposite way from Izuku.

I ran up the stairs to the roof. When I got up there I slammed the door and broke the handle. I walked around and leaned against the wall of the entrance. I clawed at my neck pulling on the caller trying to get it off.

"Life sentence in Tartarus. Fuck that I might as well die then stay there." I said pulling harder on it. Soon it snapped and I threw it off the edge as it sounded a alarm.

I cried hard as the school played a alarm. I know they are looking for me now so I had to hurry. I slid down the wall sitting on the ground.

"I well not live my life in jail for something I can't control." I growled putting a hand on my forehead.

"Drain." I whispered as blood began to run out my eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. My tears turning into blood as it pooled beneath me.

I leaned my head back excepting my death looking up at the clouds. I felt one of my eyes hurt then with a sharp pain I felt some kind of pop. I screamed putting a hand over it as I got light headed my ears ringing.

I heard a muffled bang and muffled voices. I opened my one eye seeing Izuku as he yelled at someone. I pushed him hard away from me. I knew the teachers were up here.

"Don't touch me! Fucking traders!" I yelled as Izuku almost fell off the roof. Mic grabbing him before he did. I got on the ground trying to crawl away. I barley got anywhere do to my arms being so weak now. I coughed up more blood as Midnight grabbed me.

"Y/n turn your quirk off." She yelled picking up my torso.

"No." I grumbled pushing her off. I fell to the ground trying to crawl again.

"I'm not jail for the rest......of my life." I said my body getting weaker.

"Aw Y/n come on just turn your quirk off we can talk about this." She said grabbing me again.

"No everyone keeps betraying me. I'm tired of it I'm just tired of every....thing." I said before my body went limp in her hold.

"Y/n? Y/n! Shota!" Midnight yelled. Her voice being the last one I heard.

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