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"He is sick." I said leaning on the bedroom door frame. Izuku looked up from his phone.

"Really? Hm poor guy." He said and I sighed.

"Yeah Um I am going to get him some medicine I will be right back." I said turning around.

"Wait Y/n it's late maybe you wait until morning." He said and I sighed.

"No it's ok I will be fast." I said and I walked down the hallway.

I left the house and went to the store.

I walked around the store looking for some kids cold medicine. I found some and I also looked around for some candy and a new Deku toy. I found one and went to check out.

"30$ ." The cashier said and I paid it. I looked up into the mirror behind the counter. Familiar violet eyes looking back. I looked away.

"Excuse me can I use your pen?" I asked the cashier. He handed me a pen and I wrote on a napkin on the counter. I put Izukus number and a message.

Call this number. Tell him I'm on the way home and someone is following me.

"Thank you." I said and pushed the napkin to him.

I grabbed the bag and walked out. I tied the bag closed and went the high way. I jumped up on a roof and started to walk across it. A figure jumped up onto the roof with me. Their violet eyes glowing in the dark.

When I saw a knife glint I took off. Jumping roof to roof. He threw a knife and it cut my calf. The pain made me trip and I fell off the roof into a alley.

I hit my head hard on the ground. My vision going blurry. I shook my head and got up. I grabbed the bag and stumbled to the end of the alley.

A sharp pain went through my leg and I fell. I looked at my leg and my veins around the cut were purple and green.

"Fuck." I whispered as the figure walked up to me.

"Fuck is right. Your little hero is not here to save you this time." He growled. He picked me up by my throat. I whimpered and smirked.

"You cut me bitch." I growled and used my quirk making a blood spike stab into him. He dropped me and I tried to crawl away.

"Y/n!" I heard Izuku yell and I looked up. Izuku stood in regular clothes as green lighting danced around him.

"Izuku!" I yelled and he ran over.

"Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded.

"Kinda." I said as Izumi stood.

"Shit now he's here." He said and Izuku got up and attacked him. Izumi ran off and Izuku came back.

"We need to get you to the hospital." Izuku said and I shook my head.

"No I have a thing at the house just get me home. The bag to." I said and he grabbed the bag and helped me stand.

He put me on his back. He then used his quirk and ran home.

When home he put me on the bed.

"It's in the closet." I said and he looked through the closet. He got a small pencil pouch and threw it over. I opened in and got the syringe out and got some of the antidote in it and stabbed myself in the thigh.

"Fuck fuck fuck." I growled rolling over.

"Ok maybe you were right I should've stayed home." I wined. He sat at the side on the bed.

"I need to get the first aid." He said and I shook my head.

"No go give Haruto his medicine and the stuff I got him. Then you can tend to me." I said and he shook his head.

"No you first." He said and I growled. He got up and went to the kitchen to get the first aide. He came back and sat at my side.

"This is going to hurt." He said. I looked down and he had a medical stapler.

"Izuku!" I yelled and he just pushed me back down.

"It's all I have and it's faster then stitches. Here bite down on these." He said handing me a pillow. I took it and held it as he got ready to staple the cut.

I screamed into the pillow as he pulled the trigger.

"Sh I know I'm sorry." He said and I growled. He then did another one. A tear fell from my eye as I whimpered.

"Ok hang on. I'll get this done." He said before stapling the rest really fast. I bit and gripped the pillow. He put it down and grabbed my hand.

"Fuck you." I growled at him.

"I love you." He said as he wrapped up my leg. He then grabbed my burnt hand from two days ago. He unwrapped it and looked at it.

"This is going to be a nasty scar." He said as he got the burn cream. He put it on the burn and put a clean wrap.

"God I'm sweating." I grumbled.

"I will get you a cold rag and then go check on Haruto." He said and I nodded.

He got up and walked away. He came back and put a rag on my head before leaving the room.

I sat up as my head was spinning. I shook my head and opened my eyes. Suddenly Stain was in the room. I freaked out backing against the head bored.

"Did you seriously let a small cut make you fail! Huh?" Stain yelled in my face.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was focusing on getting home." I cried back. Water falls of sweat falling off my face.

"Nothing else matters in this world Y/n. They all must be purged!" He yelled in my face again. I backed away and fell onto the floor.

"I know." I whimpered moving back into the corner of the room.

"They all must be PURGED!" He yelled and then he just kept repeating it over and over again. Soon others joined in.

"You killed me!"

"I just wanted to live my life!"

"You killed my daughter in front of me!"

"What did I do?"

They won't stop. I banged my head on the wall and they didn't stop.

Izuku POV

I was giving Haruto his medicine. When I heard a thud in the other room. I put the medicine down and ran out the room and into ours. Y/n was on the floor covering her ears.

"They won't stop." She cried as I walked over.

"Y/n it's ok it's just the poison." I said and picked her up. I put her on the bed and got some pain killers. I got two and a cup of water. I went to the bed and sat on the side.

"Here take these." I said and watched her take them.

"They will knock you out ok." I said and she nodded getting comfortable. I pulled the blanket over her and kissed her head. I got up and went to Haruto's room. I sighed at the door way seeing him fast asleep. I walked over and fixed the blanket and kissed his head.

I walked out and sighed.

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