Me and Izuku were making out in his room. That's until he got a surprise visit.
"Son look." His mother said as she came in and we both froze. Izuku slowly got up off me.
"H-hey mom." He stuttered. I sat up and looked at his mother. She's furious.
"Izuku Midoriya." She growled making him stand. She stormed over and grabbed me.
"Uh hey!" I yelled. She opened the door and pushed me out of it. I fell to the floor as she slammed the door.
She was yelling at him insulting me. I sat there and listened on the other side of the door. Until I had enough.
I got up and went to the only person I can think of Todoroki. I know I don't talk to him much but he has done so much for me.
I knocked on his door and waited a moment.
Soon my sister opened the door. Our eyes met and my tears started.
"Sister what happened?" She asked kindly letting me in.
"Izukus mother caught us together." I said as she made me sit on the bed. Todoroki had stopped whatever he was doing at his desk listening.
"Oh." My sister mumbled.
"She threw me out and insulted me to his face." I said and Todoroki nodded.
"I will go and see what's wrong then." He said and left the room.
"She wasn't supposed to know. Now what?" I asked her and she shrugged.
"I'm sure you guys will figure it out." She said and I nodded.
"So what are you guys doing in here?" I asked sniffling.
"We are planning the wedding. We get some freedom with it. It's quite fun want to help to not think about it?" My sister asked getting on the ground with all the magazines on the floor.
"Sure." I said getting on the floor with her.
Todoroki POV
I walked over to Midoriya's room. I saw Midoriya walking back and forth in front of his door.
"Midoriya you ok?" I asked.
"No my moms in there packing all my stuff. She won't listen to me." He said frustrated.
"She's making you leave?" I asked.
"Yes she doesn't want me in the dorms anymore. She's so mad I don't think anything can stop her." He said and I sighed.
"I'm to stress to even try." He grumbled.
"You want me to tell Y/n?" I asked.
"Yes and tell her not to worry so much. I'm sure we will figure it out." He said and I nodded.
"Alright." I said and walked back to my room.
When I walked in Y/n and Emiko were laughing together looking at a magazine. I'm glad they are getting along. I sat at my desk.
"So what did he say?" I asked Todoroki.
"She is making him leave the dorms. He said he will figure something out." He said and I just sighed.
"Ok." I said and I grabbed my phone texting Nemuri that I wanted to move back in with her since there's no need for me here anymore.
She texted back saying ok and that she will get on it.
"Do you like this one?" My sister asked me showing me a wedding dress.
"Looks nice."
Later that night.
I snuck into Izukus room in his apartment. I quietly walked over to his bed. I shook him awake. He jumped.
"What the." He said and I covered his mouth.
"Sh its just me." I said and uncovered his mouth.
"Y/n what are you doing here?" He whispered.
"I wanted to see you. We have to sneak around more now." I whispered and all he did was kiss me.
He pulled me onto the bed and pinned me down.
"Can you be quiet?" He asked and I nodded.
"Good." He whispered before kissing my neck and removing my shirt.
A little while later.
I sat on the side of his bed putting a shirt on. I looked back at him as he slept. I feel like this is going to put a big dent on our relationship. I sighed looking away from him. I then felt a hand on my arm. I looked back his green eyes looking into mine as the moon made them light up.
"I love you." He whispered and I smiled.
"I love you too." I said looking into the green eyes that changed my life.
Little did I know that his eyes weren't the ones to completely change me forever.
But a different pare of the same green eyes will.
When I got back to Nemuri's and sat in bed thinking. How the hell is this going to work.
I was thinking of ways to work around this since he is not allowed to see me. Then my phone rang.
I looked and it was my sister.
"Hello?" I said.
"Sister look. I um I had fun with you today. I wanted to ask you something." She said.
"Ok what is it?" I said waiting.
"I know you still hate me at some extent but would you like to be a bridesmaid?" She asked and My eyes widened.
"Really you want me to be a bridesmaid? Are you sure?" I asked her not believing what she is saying.
"Yes I would love for you to be one. The wedding is a year or two after we graduate." She said and I nodded.
"Of course I would love too." I said happily.
(Sorry short.)

Blood Lust
RomanceY/n and her family are rich. Her sister apparently got her quirk first and her parents were so happy when that happened they didn't really think about Y/n until a day after. After a while they had just assumed she was quirkless. After a bad car acc...