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I went through all my stuff. Midnight got me some embarrassing things. She even left a note.

Dear Y/n 

           I got you a few things not just for your own pleasure but others as well.

I blushed looking in the bag. It had a lot of toys in it. I rushed and put it in the back of my closet.

I calmed myself down before moving to a different box. I found a picture of my mom and a different one of Stain.

I moved to my desk and put them on it. I smiled at the pictures of the two most important people in my life. Hopefully I can add more pictures to my desk. Maybe one of me and Midnight and Eraser.

Emiko POV

I was cornered in the common room.

"Your sister is a villain!" Mina yelled.

"How could you not tell us!" Kami yelled.

"Yeah she's like so hot." The grape said.

"Did she put that scar on your jaw?" Kiri asked.

"Are we safe?" Jirou asked.

"Guys guys!" Midoriya yelled. Everyone stopped and looked to him. He had a box in hand.

"Just because she's a villain doesn't mean she's that bad. She was really nice talking to me." He said and I growled standing.

"Nice nice! That's a load of shit! She is nothing but a villainous brat! She ruined my life!" I yelled and my face dropped at Midoriyas face.

"Stop!" He said and looked up to me.

"You say she ruined your life when she's the one who was living on the street with Stain. I don't know much from her side of the story but body language says a lot." He said almost a bit angry.

"Whoa Deku chill it's not that deep man." Kiri said.

"It is she helped and got in my business when she didn't have to a while back. She's not that bad if your nice to her." He said glancing at Bakugo. He then left.

What's his problem?

"Dinner is ready!" Iida yelled and everyone dropped the subject going to eat.


I was done putting my bed together when there was a knock on my door. I hesitated before opening it. Seeing green hair at my door.

"Midoriya?" I questioned.

"Hey I brought some food. I figured that no one told you about dinner." He said and I looked seeing he had two plates in hand.

"Oh no one did. Thank you. Um did you want to come in?" I asked and he nodded walking in my room.

"You can sit at my desk." I said walking over to my bed and sitting on it.

We ate quietly enjoying each other's company. Midoriya had gotten done first.

"Oh is this your mom?" He asked looking at the picture of her.

"Hm oh yes that's her. I really miss her." I said and he looked over to me.

"What happened to her? I know your sister said she passed." He asked.

"She got into a car accident. I was only 4 at the time. She was so concerned about my quirk she just couldn't help herself. Of course everyone says it's my fault." I said walking over to him looking at the picture. He suddenly got up and hugged me.

"Don't say that." He said pulling away and cupping my cheek.

"It's not your fault I'm sure your mother would agree." He said and I was stunned. We both blushed. He let go.

"I'm sorry." He said shyly not looking at me. I didn't hesitate to hug him.

"Uh L/n?" He questioned before wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you Midoriya. I needed that." I whispered. He hugged me tighter.

"Welcome L/n."

Emiko POV

I stood outside my sisters door. Not knowing if i should talk to her or not.

"Emiko." A voice said and I looked up for it seeing a camera.

"Aizawa?" I questioned.

"Yes. You're not allowed near your sister please go back to your room." He said and I sighed.

"Yes sir." I sighed walking away. I was halfway down the hallway when her door opened. Green hair walking out her room. He had two plates in hand.

"Midoriya? I thought you were in your room?" I questioned.

"Uh Nope I was with your sister." He said walking past me.

Why is he so interested in her?

Later that night

I woke up from a nightmare. Twice in one week Uh. I got up and walked to the door going to the common room. A blanket around my shoulders as I got water and sat on the couch. I leaned back looking at the roof. I sighed falling sideways onto the couch.

Maybe if I sleep down here i won't have one.


I woke up from a peaceful sleep to the smell of something sweet. I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Oh hey L/n your up." A unfamiliar voice said. I looked over and it's that loud red haired kid.

"Here some pancakes." He said handing me a plate.

"Oh um thanks." I said taking it.

He nodded walking away. I sat eating quietly on the couch. More and more people came down. I was almost done when my eyes landed on my sister. I growled standing. I walked to the kitchen and put my plate on the counter.

"This was good guys thanks. I just saw something disgusting so I couldn't finish." I said glaring at my sister. I walked away going to my room.

I sat on my bed pissed. That bitch thinks she can walk around like she didn't say those horrible things to me. The more I thought about it the angrier I got. I lashed out throwing things. My pillow hitting my mirror and breaking it.

"Fucking bitch." I growled and then decided to get dressed.

Class was boring as always until the end witch was training time.

"Today everyone will have a one on one with Y/n." Eraser said and my head popped up.

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