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A good couple weeks have past and I have been only hanging out with Dabi. Not like in a romantic way. His like a brother to me now.

We were laughing on the common room couch about something Toga did. That's until I looked up seeing Izuku standing over the couch.

"Y/n can I talk to you?" He asked and I nodded standing. He grabbed my hand and dragged me off.

"Whoa Izuku." I wined.

He then slammed his door closed after we got in his room.

"Why are you with Dabi?" He growled and I yanked my hand away.

"Why jealous?" I said and he growled.

"Yes actually." He said and I crossed my arms.

"Good." I said and it was quiet a obvious tension in the air.

"Do you like him or something?" He asked and I sighed.

"No he is a villain like me we have a lot in common unlike you hero." I growled.

"Your spending time with Ochaco you like her?" I asked not looking at him.

"No." He said and it was quiet again.

"So your not sleeping with him right." He said and I was offended.

"Excuse me? No no ew. Is that really what you think of me? What the fuck?" I growled and he sighed.

"I don't know Y/n! I just want you here with me but you haven't said a word to me since you left a fucking note! A note Y/n why can't you just tell me to my face you don't want to be with me!" He yelled.

"I said a break for a while I didn't break up with you! Unless that's what you want!" I yelled walking up getting into his face.

"Well maybe I do!" He yelled.

"Fine then we're over!" I yelled.

"Fine!" He yelled and it was quiet as we angrily looked in each other's eyes. We both then kissed each other harshly. Teeth clashing together as our tongues fought each other. I pulled away. I didn't say anything and went to leave. He grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall. My whole body shivered at the unexpected action. Our lips met again in a little bit softer kiss.

"God I missed you." He growled going down my neck.

"We're supposed to be on a break Izuku. You started that fight on purpose." I growled at him.

"So doesn't mean we can't do anything." He said between kisses. I raised a eyebrow. His not wrong. I shrugged and let him continue.


I was slowly getting dressed as Izuku was passed out on his bed. I sighed agitated that now I have to take a shower since I'm all sweaty. I am glad tho that he didn't mean that he wanted to break up. He just wanted my attention.

I sat on the side of his bed looking at my phone that Midnight got back from the cops. I am looking through all the pictures on it. I stopped on the one of us kissing in the flower field. That was so long ago. I sighed sadly and looked back at Izuku. He was still asleep on his stomach no shirt on.

I don't understand what exactly happened between us. It just feels like there's a gap between us even more now since he doesn't like me being a villain even tho that's just who I am. Maybe I should just leave.

"No matter how hard it is don't run off." That old mans words played in my head. As I looked at him. I sighed shakily at tears fell.

"She never escaped the villain life." I remember the guy saying also. That's when the tears flowed steady.

If she couldn't get out then I can't so what the hell am I supposed to do. Izuku started to wake up to my whimpers and I quickly looked away.

"Darling? Why aren't you in bed?" He asked voice deep with sleep. I shrugged my bottom lip shaking. I felt him sit up and he put a hand on my shoulder while his chin rested on my other shoulder.

"What's wrong darling." He asked softly. I shrugged again.

"I just don't know what to do Izuku." I cried.

"About what?" He asked and I breathing got short my fit getting worse. He pulled me over to him. He hugged my waist as he was still behind me. He moved hair out my face

"Sh its ok calm down take deep breath's." He said softly. I did as he said.

"There now talk slowly." He said holding me close.

"I don't know what to do about us Izuku. You want me to change something that I can't." I cried and he sighed.

"I didn't say you had to change Y/n. I just want you to relax for a while lay off villain missions a while longer at least until your over Stain." He said softly.

"But I took a year off already." I cried.

"Y/n we both know that that wasn't a vacation. You were tormented in there." He said and he was right. He then started to play with my hair.

"The villain missions are hard asked Dabi. They take their toll that's why we get real villains to do them. I just don't want you hurt more then you already are." He said and I just glanced at him.

"I didn't say I didn't accept you the way you are. I do I love every part of you. Every little scar how mean and nasty you can be everything. You getting so worked up over something I didn't even say proves how stressed you are." He said braiding my hair.

"But that guy-." I went to say but got cut off.

"That guy won't touch you. Aizawa has him under hero watch. Any hero that sees him will tell us his location. I won't let him touch you." He said and I sighed with a small smile.

"But what about us?" I asked looking down as he finished my hair.

"Darling there wasn't a problem in the first place. Judging by the fact that earlier you wanted a round two and you didn't leave right away I think we are doing just fine." He said kissing my shoulder. I blushed at his statement.

"And you still have that bracelet on. You could have taken it off and at any point today you could have overpowered me and left and you didn't." He said and he was right again.

"If you still want a break then that's ok with me. If you want to say we are fully together then that's on you." He said and I nodded.

"How about you think about it. Tomorrow I want to spoil you tho. Girlfriend or not I'm spoiling you." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I laughed.

"Ok I will allow you to spoil me." I giggled.

"Good now how about you strip back down and get back in bed for some needed cuddles while we watch a movie." He whispered in my ear. I giggled.

"Ok." I said standing as he went to find a movie on his phone. I stripped down to my underwear and got back in bed cuddling up to his side. He found a movie and we spent the night in each other's arms.

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