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"Come on Y/n we don't want to be late for the bus!" Nemuri said happily. She held out a hand for mine to help me a bit.

"Ok ok I'm coming chill I'm still shaky." I said grabbing her hand.

I was tired it was about 5 in the morning and I didn't want to be up. She drug me out the hospital and to the car. I fell asleep in the car.

When we got there Nemuri was so excited she didn't care about how she woke me up. She opened my door and grabbed my arm no warnings. She drug me out the car. I stumbled.

"Uh Nemuri slow down." I said she ignored me.

"Shota Shota look who I brought!" She yelled and then stopped. She pulled me in front of her and held my shoulders. I opened my eyes more to see Eraser looking down to me. I smiled.

"Hey." I said as Nemuri hugged my neck.

"Hey kid." He said putting a hand on my head.

"How about you go find a seat. You look worse then me." He said and I laughed.

"Ok Eraser." I said and Nemuri let me go. She helped me on the bus and I walked in the empty bus.

I walked to the back of the bus tripping a few times before I got there. I sat down and leaned against the window. I made it to were I couldn't see anyone who got on.

It worked I didn't see anyone who got on the bus.

Soon the bus started then it was moving. Unfortunately for me it was to loud for me to sleep. I had no idea who was sitting next to me I couldn't see them. I know it wasn't Midoriya he is sitting with Ochaco. I then felt a tap on my leg. I looked over to see ash blond hair and bright red eyes.

"Bakugo?" I questioned.

"Here use these. You need sleep more then anyone on this shit bus." He said holding out headphones.

"Thanks Bakugo." I said taking them and plugging them in my phone. He tapped my shoulder and made a jester saying to lay on his shoulder. I was really tired so I did so. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Unaware of green and light blue eyes watching in jealousy.

When I was woken up I gave Bakugo his headphones back. I was still tired but not as much as I was. Bakugo helped me out the bus. He made sure I made it to Nemuri without tripping. She grabbed my hand and Bakugo went back. When I turned to the class my eyes met green once. I glared at him before looking away. I turned away and got back on the bus.

I didn't want to stand and listen about something I'm not apart of. To be honest I was still mad and depressed about what happened. I don't want to be around everyone but I have to. I sighed sitting in the first seat in the bus.

Soon Nemuri and Eraser came back starting the bus and going down the mountain.

When at the camp I had put my stuff in the girls room. I chose the bed in the far corner. I sighed laying down to take another nap.

Later Nemuri woke me up saying that it was almost time for dinner. I grabbed a blanket putting it over my shoulders.

I followed her quietly until we got out side. Everyone had just gotten out the woods. I was annoyed at the overly excited cat girls.

"Why am I out here? I'm not going to participate I don't need to hear all this." I said to Nemuri she sighed.

"You will have to participate a little. Like cooking for yourself. I also got a important call from my mother I need to go and make sure everything is fine." She said and my eyes widened.

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