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When I woke up Izuku had already gone to school. I sat up feeling extremely cold. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my face was red and slightly swollen with sweat dripping down my face. My blind eye swollen shut thanks to the guards.

"Fuck." I grumbled to myself.

I got a blanket off Izukus bed and went downstairs. I looked through all the cabinets until I found a thermometer. I sniffed as I cleaned it before putting it in my mouth. I leaned on the counter and waited.

When a minute past I took it out and looked.

"101. Fuck me. My first day completely free and I'm sick." I growled.

I washed it off and put it back.

I got upstairs and realized I didn't get any of my stuff back from jail. So my phone is gone and I can't text anyone. I growled annoyed at this whole situation. I changed in to some of my clothes that I had left here a long ass time ago and put on one of Izukus hoodies on. I was about to go and get some medicine but I remembered I don't have anything. So all my money is gone.

So I decided to sneak in school. I hid in a closet waiting for Izuku to pass since it was lunch. Once he did I grabbed his arm and dragged him in the closet.

"Ah! What the." I covered his mouth.

"Hush it's me." I said and he smiled underneath my hand.

"Oh what's up?" He asked as I moved my hand.

"I hate to ask this but can I have some money. I'm sick." I said and he turned the light on. He looked down at me.

"Oh yeah you're a bit red." He said and I laughed.

"A bit." I said and he smiled shaking his head. He cupped my cheeks and felt my throat.

"Yeah your face and throat are swollen." He said.

"Wow thanks Dr. Midoriya." I said sarcastically. He frowned at me.

"Here take this. Get you some food to." He said handing me some money.

"Thank you." I whimpered.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Oh nothing really my body hurts and I'm asking for money again even though you spent so much on me already." I whimpered as he cupped my cheeks again.

"Y/n you're still my girlfriend remember. I need to take care of you it's my job." He said and a tear fell.

"You're still my girlfriend right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes even though I don't deserve you." I cried. He pulled me into a hug.

"You deserve everything Y/n." He said hugging me tightly before pulling away.

"Now how about you go and get you what you need. Take a nap in my bed if you want. I will check on you later." He said and I nodded. He kissed my forehead before sneaking out the closet.

In town I had Izukus hoodie over my head at the store. I got some cold and fever meds and something to eat. I checked out and left. I kept my head down the whole time not wanting to get recognized by someone just in case.

When at the dorms I put my food in the microwave and then took the meds. After I ate I went upstairs to Izukus room.

When I got in I immediately stripped down. Now only in Izukus shirt and my underwear. I didn't want to sleep the anxiety of jail still there but I had no choice as the meds took over.

Izuku POV

Once school was over I rushed to Y/n because I missed her. The others stayed back to tell the teachers she was back.

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