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Dabi had just brought me news of one of his undercover jobs. He told me all about the guy that attacked me. So of course I couldn't wait and had to tell Izuku.

I got in the school and found him. In a empty teachers lounge. He has his hero costume on. I bit my lip and slowly closed the door. He turned around.

"Oh hey darling." He said looking at something.

"Hi." I said walking over.

"You look so tasty in that." I said taking the paper and putting it to the side.

"Tasty? That's a new one." He said and I gently tugged on his belt.

"Anyway I got permission to have my own personal mission from Eraser." I said his gloved hands rested on my waist.

"Really now and what is it?" He asked.

"To track down that guy. He said I just need to bring a hero with me. So you wanna be that hero?" I asked and he sighed deeply.

"What?" I asked tilting my head. He shook his head.

"Nothing." He said and that pissed me off.

"No what why do you look so disappointed?" I asked and he sighed again.

"I just didn't think you would be back at it so quickly." He sighed and I raised a eyebrow.

"Back at it? Are you telling me you got me out of jail hoping I would be good?" I asked getting angry.

"No I'm no-." I cut him off and pushed away from him.

"Are you fucking serious?" He just looked up and down. I scoffed.

"Do you not know me or something? It's literally in my blood and quirk to be a villain you know that. I'm asking for your help you idiot so I don't kill the guy." I growled and turned away. He grabbed my arm. I brushed it off.

"Don't touch me." I growled and we looked at each other.

"If you don't want your villain girlfriend to hurt your hero career then you can fuck off. I was going to suggest you wear your hero costume later because it looks really good but you know what you can fuck yourself and sleep alone tonight. I'll get Bakugo to help me. Here's the fake ID I used MY MONEY that I earned to make." I growled and stormed to the door I stopped.

"You know everything I came back to you should have just left me to rot in jail." I growled leaving tears running down my cheek.

I went to my dorm room. To be honest I'm stressed. I know it wasn't that big of a deal and we could have just talked it out but I couldn't. To much has happened only in a few weeks. I looked at my desk the eyes of my mom and Stain felt like they are judging me.

I sat down writing a note because I knew I wasn't going to be here tonight. After I put in on Izukus door it hurt my heart so when I got to my room I basically destroyed it. Throwing things, breaking things anything I could get my hands on.

When I saw the time and school had ended I left the school grounds to do this mission by myself.

It was about 7pm when I got to the club I needed to go to. I walked up to a guard.

"Excuse me but I need to speak with Mark." I said and the guy let me in.

I followed the guy passing VIP booths until we got to a door. He knocked and the door opened.

"Someone is here to see you." The guard said to a old guy sitting at a desk.

"Of course leave then." He said and the guard left. The guy looked up as I removed my hood.

"Madam?" He questioned his eyes wide. I looked around then pointing at me.

"Me no I assume your talking about someone. My names Carnage." I said and he sighed looking a bit sad.

"Sorry you just look like someone I use to watch over." He said looking down at some paperwork.

"Use to?" I asked sitting down.

"Yes they past a long time ago. Anyway what brings you the the lost things my dear." He asked and I leaned back.

"I hear you have information on Izumi Sato." I said and the old man nodded.

"Yes I do. Why?" He asked.

"Because he tried to kill me I can't let him live for doing that now can I?" I said and he laughed looking at the desk.

"God you're just like her to." He said to himself.

"I will do you one better. I will give you information and everyone here at the club will help you achieve your goal. As long as you answer a question for me." He said and I nodded.

"Ok what's your question?" I asked him.

"Do you love someone?" He asked and I immediately thought of Izuku.

"Yes." I said.

"Are they a hero?" He asked and I nodded.

"Then take my advice girl. Don't run. No matter how hard it gets don't run off." He said and I nodded.

"Ok I won't." I said seeing the sadness in his eyes.

"Good now."

The man gave me what I need and we talked for a while. He seemed happy just talking to me so I didn't want to leave he seemed sad.

"How about I visit every now and then." I said as we stood at the door.

"I would love that little Madam." I laughed at the nickname. Apparently this Madam was like a daughter to him.

"Wait before I leave. What happened to her?" I asked the man who's mood saddened.

"Her husband died peacefully in his sleep. Everyone thought she had done it. Their children didn't of course but being a villain never goes away. It sure didn't for her." He said and I nodded.

"That's really sad." I said looking down.

"It is now go home child before someone comes looking." He said and I nodded.

"Ok thank you Mark." I said leaving.

I left the lost things and went back to my room at the dorms.

Meanwhile a few minutes after you left.

Izuku POV

School had let out and I went back to my dorm. When I got there I found a note on my door. I took it off and went inside. I sat at my desk and read it.

Izuku I can't fucking do this right now. I have to much on my plate. Stains death, jail stuff, and you cheating yes i still kinda see it as that. Now you can't accept me for who I am.

I think we should take a break for a while. At least for a month or two. Give you time to think if you really love everything and I mean everything about me. Because I love everything about you.

You still have that second chance.


"Fuck." I whispered to myself after reading the note. It's just a break right? Not a break up just a break. I thought to reassure myself



I sat on my messy room floor with food I stole looking at this file the guy Mark gave me. I nodded at some of the information.

"Izumi Sato quirk POISON! FUCK!" I yelled.

(Small cross over.)

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