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(I did not read over this so if anything is wrong sorry and just say so and I will fix it.)

Emiko had hit 10 centimeters and was about to give birth so the boys were allowed in. Bakugo didn't want to be in the room saying something about he can't control his emotions at the moment.

To be honest I think he wasn't ready for this.

Todoroki held her other hand and Kiri was watching them come out. I whispered words of encouragement. I also wiped the sweat off her face. She pushed and screamed and one of the babies came out.

"It's a boy." The doctor said and they let her have a break. Todoroki looked happy as he looked at the baby. He then looked at me.

"He has red and h/c hair." He said happily. I smiled and nodded at him.

"It's a boy Emiko." I said and she smiled tiredly.

The nurse took the baby to get checked and cleaned.

"Ok baby number two is coming." The doctor said and she huffed.

She started pushing and this time it wasn't as hard as the first one.

"It's another boy." The doctor said and I saw Kiris face light up. The nurse took the baby and the doctor kicked us out so he can do something's.

I walked out the room to see Izuku leaning on the wall. I smiled tiredly at him. He laughed.

"Almost looks like you had the baby." He joked as I huffed.

"Shut up." I said and hugged him. He laughed hugging me back.

"And you want me to do that again." I wined. He put his chin on my head.

"No I want you to be safe and have a c-section." He said and I sighed.

"How long was I in there?" I asked.

"Almost 10 hours." He said and my eyes widened.

"Oh that's why I'm so tired then." I giggled.

"You want to go home?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No I want to see my nephews. I also want to see who the fathers are." I said and he nodded.

We waited a while and soon saw the babies go in. The nurse then came out.

"Are you Y/n?" She asked and I nodded.

"She is asking for you." She said and I nodded standing making Izuku get out the chair he was in.

"Whoa wait I'm I allowed in?" He asked and I laughed.

"Izuku if you plan on marrying me then they are your nephews too." I said and he smiled.

I walked in Izuku close behind me. I sat in the chair I was in earlier and looked over the bed rail.

"So what's the names?" I asked. She sighed.

"This is Toya and this is F/n." She said.

(Father's name)

"They are so cute. What about the last names?" I asked.

"Toya Todoroki and F/n Kirishima." She said smiling and I was confused.

"Kirishima? So he's the father of F/n but why Kirishima?" I asked.

"I thought about it and your idea was a good one have another life besides the one I was forced to live. So Kirishima and Bakugo will be taking care of him when he is old enough. I am going to try and make it work." She said and I nodded.

"That's good." I said and she handed me Toya. I held him in my arms and Izuku looked over my shoulder.

"He has Todoroki's eyes." Izuku whispered and I nodded as the baby looked up at us. Soon the boys came in.

Todoroki walked over and I stood giving him the baby.

"We will let you guys have your moments." I said and we both went to walk out Todoroki taking my spot.

When at the door I stopped.

"Oh and no fighting or I will come back and take over. Ok? ok." I said and left.

We picked Haruto up and went home. I told Haruto the news and why we were late because he was upset and thought we left him.

He was then happy about his new cousins. He couldn't wait to see them.

Since we left him he wanted to sleep in bed with us. We didn't mind. I had to take a shower first tho.

When I came out the boys had already fallen asleep. I smiled at Haruto sleeping on Izukus chest. I got my phone and took a picture of them.

I got in bed with them and sighed looking at them.

I can't believe this is real. Here I am a almost ex villain laying in bed with the love of my life and the brightest light in my life.

Izuku brought so much light to my dark life that my quirks blood lust side stopped taking control over me. I thought I would have a darker future then this but I was wrong.

Izuku moved and bit and opened his eyes a little. He rubbed Haruto's back and he turned his head locking eye with me. He smiled at me and put a arm under my head.

"What's wrong love?" He whispered softly.

"Nothing I'm just happy." I whispered back and he smiled.

"Good." He whispered before he fell asleep again.

I smiled. Of course everything family has their problems. Like Haruto setting things on fire and Izuku never coming home sometimes from work. I do sneak off sometimes witch starts small arguments. But I still love my family.

The next day we went to take Haruto to see the babies.

He was excited and of course I made him eat ice before he got anywhere near the babies.

"Anti Emiko." He yelled and went to hug her but I grabbed his shirt. He whined and I got down to his level.

"You need to be quiet sweetie ok. Here eat this then you can give her a hug." I said handing him ice.

"Yes momma." He whispered. He ate the ice as fast he could and ran over. I picked him up and put him on the bed.

"Babies." He whispered. I smiled at Emiko who smiled at him.

"They are your cousins honey." I whispered to him and he got on his knees looking closer at the babies.

"Be gentle sweetheart." I whispered and he did as I said. Izuku then touched my arm.

"I'm going to talk to Todoroki." He whispered and I nodded watching him leave the room.

"Mommy." Haruto said and I looked at him.

"Yes baby?" I asked as he moved to sit on the side of the bed.

"Can you get me something?" He asked and I was a little confused.

"Yes what is it?"  I said.

"A baby brother or maybe a sister." He said and my heart dropped.

"I will have to talk to your dad about it." I said and he nodded.

"Ok mommy."

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