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"How are you today?" Izuku asked sitting on the couch by my feet.

"Fine I guess Haruto is taking a nap. It sucks I can't really get up and do anything." I said as he trailed fingers along my legs.

"I bet so that cut was really deep. Surprised you can walk at all." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Well you didn't get much sleep last night so how about you take a nap." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah I probably should." I said getting comfortable on the couch. He put a thin blanket over me as he stood. He kissed my head and I closed my eyes.

I woke up to a bang that came from Haruto's room. I sat up looking at Izuku who was in the kitchen. I got up and limped my way to his door Izuku following. We crashed through that door seeing Izumi holding Haruto.

"I guess the brat is mine now." He laughed and left through the window Haruto screaming for me. I went to chase after them but I fell down. I looked up at Izuku.

"You said this place was safe!" I yelled.

"It is maybe if you weren't a selfish villain bitch this wouldn't have happened!" He yelled angry at me and my heart hurt at those words. He glared down at me.

"God I can't believe I had a fucking kid with you. All you think about is Stain this and Stain that. Your sister was right about you all those years ago." He growled and I started crying. He then went to walk out the room.

"Wait what about Haruto!" I yelled and he scoffed.

"I don't care. I don't want a kid with a villain." He said and walked away.

After that a big group of silhouettes surrounded me chanting villains must die. I covered my ears and laid on the ground. I screamed until I was shook.

"Y/n!" I opened my eyes and I was on the couch. I looked around confused.

"Hey you ok?" Izuku asked as he crouched next to the couch.

"Where's Haruto?" I asked worried not noticing I was covered in a cold sweat.

"He is just fine eating lunch. What happened? Did you have a nightmare?" He asked and I thought about it. I nodded and he sighed.

"Whatever it was about I'm sure wasn't real." He said and I nodded laying back down on the couch.

"Maybe you should take a shower." He said and I just nodded again.

"I will later." I said hiding in the blanket.


I waited for Izuku to go to sleep before I got up. I got dressed in all black and took a pain killer for my leg. I looked at Izuku before I left the house.

I knew were Izumi was. I knew were the warehouse was. I was going to put a stop to it. Or at least kill all his guys.

It was a long walk but I got there. I stood and looked through binoculars. Guards stood outside by the front door but that was it. I smiled. I dug in my bag and got my pain killers. I took two and waited for them to kick in. Once I was high off them I got down and went to the warehouse.

I snuck along the side of the building. A hood over my head.

"Bro Izumi got to be fucked up for messing with the number ones girl." One of them said.

"Yeah gonna get us all killed." The other said. I smiled and cut my hands.

I walked out making knives with my blood.

"Well then he is right." I said and shot the knives into both of there heads.

I retraced the spikes and walked into the building. I locked the door behind me. I leaned over and pulled the fire alarm. The alarm sounded and everyone came in the hallway. I licked my lips.

"Hell yeah." I said to myself and I then used my quirk.

A hour later.

I stood at the end of the long hallway. I turned around looking down the hallway that's covered in blood and body parts. I was covered in blood. I slide down the wall and got my phone. Seeing missed calls from Nemuri, Izuku, and my sister. The smell of ripped apart bodies hitting my nose. I cringed and called the cops.

"I would like to report a crime." I said listening to the lady.

"Yeah and Um no. At the warehouse district." I said and hung up.

I then picked up one of the dead guy's phones. I saw a contact named boss and I clicked on it.

"Hello why are you calling me?" Izumi said and I giggled standing putting it on speaker.

"You know I really didn't want to make this messy I really really didn't but you drove me fucking crazy." I said and I threw the phone at the wall it breaking into pieces. I walked out and left before the cops got there.

At the house.

I snuck in the Community and got into the house. I closed the door behind me and Izuku was standing there arms crossed.

"Y/n." He said and I just smiled.

"Hi." I said and giggled nervously.

"Where have you been? I thought you got kidnapped. Don't lie you are covered in blood." He said and I sighed.

"Ok you were right I had a nightmare so I attacked before they could attack us." I said and he sighed.

"Are you hurt?" He asked.

"No or at least I don't think. I might be high on pain killers." I said and he sighed again.

"Y/n." He growled and I looked down remembering my dream. I put my bag on my shoulder. I then sadly mumbled something.

"What did you say Y/n?" He kinda growled.

"Do you want me to leave?" I asked sadly not looking at him.

"Why would I want you to do that?" He said and I shrugged. Trying not to cry.

"Because I'm a villain and I'm always in some kind of trouble. I can take Haruto and leave if you want I promise I won't come back." I whimpered and he walked over.

"No Y/n I don't want that come on let's get you cleaned up." He said grabbing my hand that's covered in dried blood.

We stood in his big bathroom. He slowly got me undressed as tears fell.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I really shouldn't be doing this I have a kid." I cried as he helped me in a hot shower.

"Y/n it's ok. We are in a safe place. You just did what you thought you should've." He said as I still cried.

"No I think I started something bigger then I can finish." I cried as he got me out. All the blood had easily washed away. He wrapped me in a towel and sat me on the bed.

I sat there kinda cold as he hugged me. His warmth warming me up giving me a lot of comfort.

"God you're shaking so much. I hope you didn't get sick." He said picking me up. He laid me in bed I dragged him along with me.

"Uh Y/n I need to get you clothes." He laughed.

"No you're warm please lay with me until I fall asleep." I whimpered not wanting the comfort to leave. He sighed and nodded. He got in bed with me and I cuddled my naked body up to his clothed one. I cried into his chest. He brushed his fingers in my wet hair as he hushed me.

"It's ok I still love you both of you. I will keep both of you safe. Sh." He whispered softly as I cried. I gripped his shirt as more tears fell.

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