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(I don't really like this one much.)
Izuku had gotten back from a villain disturbance in the middle of town he looked a bit down when he past so I left him be.

Hours past and he never came out the office. Soon it was time to go home. I got all my stuff and went to get him. I opened the office door and he was looking down his head in his hands.

"Izuku it's time to go home." I said softly. He didn't say anything back.

"Izuku?" I asked getting closer. I then heard his whimpers. I put my stuff in one of the chairs and went to his side. I crouched down and shook his arm.

"Izuku what's wrong?" I asked and he leaned back in his chair.

"I just you wouldn't understand." He whimpered.

"You're right I probably won't but tell me anyway." I said standing and leaning on the desk.

"There was a kid in the attack today." He whispered. I nodded letting him continue.

"I couldn't save him. He was right in front of me and I couldn't." He started crying again.

"Oh Izuku."I whispered. I stood in front of him. I held my arms out to him. He leaned forward and hugged me. I played with his hair as he cried into my stomach hugging me tightly.

"You did your best Izuku. You can't save everyone." I said and I felt him nod.

"I know that I just what if I can't save Haruto or you." He cried and I got down on my knees. I held his face in my hands.

"You can save us Izuku. Fighting every day and fighting for your family are two different things." I said and he nodded.

"I know but what if I'm not good enough." He said and I growled at that making him look in my eyes.

"You are enough Izuku. If you weren't I would've ran away a long time ago. Haruto wouldn't be here and you wouldn't be number one or the symbol of peace." I said. I stood and grabbed his hand.

"Come here let me show you something." I said and he stood.

I brought him up to the roof. We walked over to the edge and we sat.

"I never told you why I like peaceful views like this." I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

"It's not the power some people feel being so high up or seeing something Beautiful. It's not the joy or comfort it brings me. It's not watching the people blow. It's the sky or the ocean. It's peace and quiet nothing to disturb me. No one to insult me." I said as he listened quietly.

"My peace is somewhere quiet with no one to bother us. But your peace and mine are different. Yours isn't quiet it's loud and filled with violence but behind that everyone is happy and smiling. You make people's own peaceful places real." I said hugging his arm.

"But what do I do when I'm the one who destroyed their peace." He said sadly.

"Then make it up to them. We both know nothing can make up the death of someone but you can try. What was his name?" I asked playing with his fingers.

"Keyo Somua." He mumbled.

"Then contact the Somua's I'm sure you can find some way to make it up." I said and he sighed.

"Yeah but I think me and the family need a few days." He said.

"I understand." I said.

We sat there for a while watching the sun set.

"When will you let me marry you?" He mumbled and I smirked.

"When you get the balls to actually ask properly and." I leaned into him to whisper in his ear. I moved his hand in between my legs.

"And maybe I'll say yes if you give me another light in my life." I whispered and kissed his ear.

"I thought you couldn't have another kid?" He said and I nodded.

"Yeah it is dangerous but with you providing and protecting I think it's possible." I said as his hand moved upward. I softly gasped.

"Of course after Izumi is taken care of. Right now is too dangerous and I don't want you to do that on your own." I said kicking my feet off the edge.

"But think about the Somua's right now not me." I said and he nodded.

After that Izuku went to spend quality time with Haruto. He dropped me off at my sisters house.

I laid on her bed eating a snack watching her get dressed. Her baby bump visible.

"So who's is it?" I asked her and she sighed.

"No idea." She said and I rolled over on my stomach.

"Ok have you told them?" I asked and she nodded.

"I told them separately so Todoroki has no idea about the other two." She said looking at a old shirt of mine.

"Damn such a difficult situation you're in. I asked Izuku for a another baby at some point." I said and she scoffed.

"At some point? I guess once Izumi is taken care of. I'm sure you and Izuku must be using protection then?" She said and I froze. She turned to look at me.

"Oh Y/n have you not been using protection?" She said and I looked at her.

"Don't sass me you're the one who is being a whore." I said getting up.

"Hey that's a little far don't you think." She growled. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't care. Besides I doubt I'm pregnant. I think I would know." I said walking back and forth.

"Would you? You didn't know for three months last time." She said and I sighed.

"Your right." I mumbled.

"I hope you find out tho. Who's it is I mean." I said and she sighed.

"I hope so to." She said and I nodded about to leave.

"Wait Y/n." She said and I turned to look at her.

"What?" I asked.

"Was it scary when you almost lost Haruto?" I froze up at her question.

"Of course it was." I said.

"It still Terrifies me to this day." I said smiling at her before leaving.

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