A year later.
I have been doing my best to survive. One of my everyday guards was a pervert. So I barley slept thanks to this guy. I slept during the day since I was somewhat safe.
Unfortunately being locked in a small room with nothing and no one with barley enough sleep and shock therapy you go a little mad.
I would have angry fits of rage and scream for hours on end. I would just be depressed for the rest of the day sitting in a corner holding myself. Sometimes I didn't even think any of this was real I would sit a claw myself anywhere or bite my arms until I saw blood.
But when I saw the doctor or scientist is what he likes to be called. He would fix me up and we work on my quirk. Unless he was in a different mood then he would give me shock therapy until I blacked out. He said something about tapping into my murderous mindset. I couldn't remember a thing after that.
Izuku POV
"Please tell me we are close." I wined looking at Momo who was counting the money.
"Well thanks to Iida, Todoroki, the Teachers, Nezo, myself and, Emiko we are a lot closer then we would be in a year. Thanks to our parents." She said and I sighed.
"Guys I really do appreciate you guys pitching in really." I said looking at my class who looked at the money jar that said Y/ns bail. Everyone nodded.
"I say we have about 8 billion so far. So six more months and we got it." Momo said and everyone sighed.
"Alright I'm going to the internship now then. Try to earn more." I said putting my jacket on.
"Ok Midoriya." Some of everyone said and I left.
Everyone has been working so hard to get Y/n back. No one knows what exactly they do to
prisoners in Tartarus but we know it's not good.But I have been doing my best to keep on track with my hero stuff. Y/n would kill me if I went off the rail and slacked off.
Even though I was really upset and missed her like crazy I just can't let her stay in that place.
I was having a severe panic attack. I wanted out I needed to get out. I clawed at the padding that was on the walls. Then my jail door opened. One of the mean day guards stood at my door. I froze.
"I'm so tired of your yelling little girl. How about I shut you up." He walked over to me leaving the door open. I went to run for the door but he grabbed me around my waist.
"Let me go!" I yelled but he just hit a spot on the back of my neck making me pass out.
Hours later.
When I woke up there was a tray of food on the floor. I just looked at it as I sat up. I held my knees to my chest. Tears running fast down one side of my face. I hit my head against the padded wall multiple times as I cried.
"I can't do this anymore." I whimpered to myself. I looked at my arms. I then started to harshly bite and claw at my wrist until a steady stream of blood flowed out.
I noticed a camera in my room move and then there was a alarm sounding through out the building. Guards running in my room. I stood trying to get away from them. They all grabbed me one grabbed my wrist tightly.
They all carried me out the room as I struggled.
"No please let me go!" I yelled as I was brought to the scientist.
I was being held down on a hospital bed as I got lightheaded. My struggling slowed and I was chained to the bed. Once I stopped the guards left. The scientists sat at my side stitching up my bite and claw marks.
"Now my precious child why would you do such a thing." He said kindly.
"I hate it here. I don't know how long it's been. Plus I think I have already been forgotten. No one has visited." I whimpered voice scratchy.
"I'm sure there's a good reason. How about I get you a new and better sell say that you are being good enough for one huh? With no guards." He said and I looked over at him.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah with a bed maybe a bit better food." He said and I nodded.
"Yes please." I whimpered.
"Alright I will but do to this stunt you will be in a straight jacket. And in return you will test something out for me." He said as he wrapped my wrist in gauze.
"What is it?" I asked and he smiled.
"What's the name of the guard that torments you the most." He said and I narrowed my eyes.
I stood in the lab as the pervert walked in. The scientist stood behind me as the guard stood arm's behind his back.
"Now your father can control temperature of air am I right." He whispered to me and I nodded.
"Yes." I said.
"And you can basically freeze blood into a crystal like substance right." He whispered again and I nodded.
"Then boil him alive so you can get a decent living space my dear." He whispered and I nodded.
"What's his blood type?" I questioned but he just laughed.
"Oh my dear you don't need that anymore." He whispered.
"Just look in his eyes and imagine his blood boiling." He whispered and I did as he said.
The man shifted uncomfortable as he got hotter and hotter. It didn't take long before his skin was cooking as his blood boiled. He screamed before he fell to the ground.
"Good girl. I new there was more to your quirk. Now I will get the sell set up for you. As long as you let me experiment with your quirk you will keep this room alright." He said and I nodded sitting down in a chair.
"Thank you sir." I said and he nodded.

Blood Lust
RomanceY/n and her family are rich. Her sister apparently got her quirk first and her parents were so happy when that happened they didn't really think about Y/n until a day after. After a while they had just assumed she was quirkless. After a bad car acc...