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"Y/n please tell me your not going to start on this list yet." Izuku said pointing at the list of names on the back. I grabbed it away from him seeing the 25 names on the back.

"I won't I promise." I said smiling. I kissed him softly.

Later that night.

I pinned a guy up against a wall. I was covered in blood with a blood knife at his throat.

"What's your name?" I growled into the guys face.

"Ah Riku Kimura." The man said voice shaky.

"Good." I growled and slowly sinked my knife into his temple.

"Stain sends his regards." I growled watching the mans eyes roll in the back of his head. I pulled my knife out and slit his throat to make sure. His blood spilling all over me. I let his body drop and turned around to the other dead bodies behind me. I sighed deeply out of breath.

"Fuck I forgot how good this feels." I said to myself.

I pulled the note out my pocket. I pulled the mask off my face then got some of the guys blood and crossed his name out with it.

"Man four names in one night and I thought I was off my game." I said to myself.

"I mean I could do better but for a start right out of jail it's pretty good. What you think Riku?" I asked and then laughed looking at the dead man.

"Oh wait your dead." I laughed. I put the paper back and left the warehouse after I wrote a S on the wall.

I skipped from roof to roof back to the school. I climbed up to my balcony and made sure I didn't leave blood prints. I put Stains Mask on my desk as I walked in my messy room and took a shower.

It felt so good to watch the blood run down my body into the drain. I ended up taking a longer shower then I intended.

When I finally got out I changed. I then started washing my clothes in the bathroom. I scrubbed the blood out and used my quirk to get the blood off.

When I was done I put them on my balcony to dry. After I did that I cleaned my room up a bit and then left my room walking across the hallway to Izukus.

I walked in quietly and closed the door softly. I walked over to the bed seeing he was still asleep hasn't noticed I was gone. He laid on his stomach holding his pillow. I smiled and crawled into bed. The movement shaking the bed a little and waking him.

"Darling?" He asked tired voice deep.

"Yes?" I whispered to him as he rolled over rubbing his eyes.

"Where did you go?" He asked now laying on his back now.

"To take a shower." I whispered. He held his arms out. I smiled and laid on his chest my leg over his lap.

"Just a shower?" He mumbled cuddling me.

" yeah just a shower." I whispered getting comfortable my eyes closing.

The next morning

I woke up early. I noticed it was colder then it should be and I looked outside. Snow falling to the ground. I was confused it wasn't cold last night was it? I can't remember. I went to my room and got warmer clothes and went to the common room.

I made some hot chocolate and one for me and another for Izuku. I stood behind the couch watching the news. Izuku had came downstairs when I turned it on.

"Morning Darling. Why are you watching the news." He asked and I handed him his cup. He took it.

"Morning." Is all I said watching the Tv.

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