I showed up at Izukus office with Haruto. I waited for Izuku to turn around as I held Haruto away from my body. He did turn around and he was confused.
"Hi daddy." Haruto giggled.
"Take this." I said and he was more confused.
"Why?" He asked.
"It breaths fire take it. That quirk is not from my family's." I said putting our little monster down. Izuku nodded.
"Yeah that's my dad's quirk. It really did just skip me huh." He said and I didn't understand.
"Ok well take that I'm gone." I said and turned around.
"No wait Y/n just take him to my mom." He said and I cringed.
"You're mom hates me and well her place isn't in a extra safe place." I said biting my nails.
"Ok well how about I call her and she can meet you at the house." He said and I got nervous.
"Um Izuku come on I can't be home alone with your mother." I said and he sighed.
"I know I will be home in a few. I'm sure you can handle it." Izuku said and I sighed.
"Fine." I said and picked Haruto back up.
"Bye you two." Izuku said and we both said by and left.
A long walk home later.
Haruto ran through the door of the house. I sighed as I closed the door and leaned back on it.
"Fire he breaths fire." I said to myself before going to make sure he wasn't melting anything.
A little later there was a knock on the door and I opened it seeing Inko. She didn't say anything just walked in. Haruto ran in and hugged her.
"You want to go get some Ice cream?" She asked him and I jumped in.
"Um I don't think that's a good idea he just got his quirk." I said but she ignored me. She picked him up.
"Let's go get Ice cream." She said walking to the door.
"Wait Inko it's not." She cut me off.
"Oh you're not his mother stop worrying." She said and closed the door behind her.
I was stunned at her words. My heart hurt at those words. I hoped to actually make a impression on her but it seems that it only got worse.
It shouldn't have made me as upset as I am but it did. I put my hands over my mouth and I went to the bedroom.
I sat on the end of the bed face in my hands. Tears ran through some of my fingers. I didn't notice the front door open and the footsteps coming down the hallway. The bedroom door opened and I didn't look up.
"Y/n? What's wrong what happened?" Izuku said coming over and getting on his knees in front of me.
"She hates me." I cried. He grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face.
"Why do you say that?" He asked.
"She ignored me and took Haruto after saying I wasn't his mother." I cried harder. He cupped my cheeks.
"Did she really say that?" He asked and I nodded.
"I know I shouldn't be this upset I'm sorry." I cried and he shook his head.
"No it's ok to cry Y/n especially when it's not true. Come here." He said and pulled me off the bed into his lap. I cried into his neck as he held me close.
"Am i a bad mom?" I cried.
"No no no Y/n." He pulled away.
"You're a amazing mom. You do everything for him. You even left me to make sure he had a good life Y/n." He said and hugged me again.
eventually I stopped and had gotten a bit tired. So I went to take a shower as he went to deal with his mom.
Izuku POV
When I heard my mom come back. I immediately went to the living room.
"Daddy!" Haruto yelled ice cream in his hand.
"Haruto go to your mother she's upset and needs you to make her happy." I said and he ran to our room. I watched him.
"Mommy!" He yelled clumsily opening the door. I turned to my mother.
"Mom how about you sit down." I said and we both sat on the couch.
"So you insulted her again." I grumbled.
"I did not." I cut her off.
"I called you to help with Haruto's quirk. To help not just me but us with it. But instead you come here ignore her and took Haruto and said that she's not his mother." I said and she was quiet.
"Do you understand how bad that hurt her?" I said.
"Yes I." I cut her off again.
"No I don't think you do. She doesn't have a mom that's blood related you are the closest thing to that and you say that she's not your grandson's mother." I said and she sighed looking at her lap.
"I know I'm sorry." She said and I sighed.
"Are you? I know she's a villain and you don't like her much but we need your help. I never met dad and Haruto has his quirk. I called you to help and maybe bond with Y/n. Not to break the bond before it's even there." I explained to her. I put a hand over my mouth as I looked away.
"Izuku I really am sorry." She said and I sighed.
"Don't tell me that mom. My feelings aren't hurt. You need to understand i want my family together. Which means you are insulting my future wife your daughter in law." I said and she nodded.
"All I'm asking for is you two to get along." I said and we heard a door open. Haruto ran down the hallway and into the kitchen.
"Mommy I want a pbj." He said and then he started to breathe fire. Y/n ran in and I got up. Y/n grabbed ice and the she grabbed him and shoved it in his mouth. She hissed as the fire stopped.
"Are you ok Y/n?" I asked grabbing her hand that got burnt.
"No." She wined.
"Here." I said and dragged her to the medicine cabinet.
"Haruto are you ok?" I asked my son who was stunned.
"I hurt mommy." He whispered and Y/n immediately got on the floor.
"No mommy is fine it was a accident. It's ok." She said and Haruto was now crying. She hugged him. I grabbed the burn cream out the cabinet and some gauze and a wrap. I got on the floor and grabbed her hand gently. I gently put the cream on and then the gauze.
"See daddy is taking care of it." She said and Haruto looked up. I smiled at him as I grabbed the wrap.
"You want to wrap it up?" I asked him and he nodded. He took it and I helped him wrap up her thumb and forefinger.
"See all better. Daddy can make you that sandwich ok. Let's get you into your bed clothes." She said standing picking him up.
"I'm sorry mommy." Haruto whimpered.
"It's ok baby it was a accident." She said.
"Um Y/n." I heard my mother say as I got what Haruto wanted.
"Yes?" She said and my mom fidgeted nervously.
"I wanted to apologize about my behavior when I arrived. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." My mother said.
"It's ok." Y/n said and she hurried and left the room. I sighed and looked at my mom.

Blood Lust
RomanceY/n and her family are rich. Her sister apparently got her quirk first and her parents were so happy when that happened they didn't really think about Y/n until a day after. After a while they had just assumed she was quirkless. After a bad car acc...