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(Don't hate me.)
I had went back to the list kinda. I just crossed someone off. But it was strange I was so tired after.

When I got back to Nemuri's I took a shower and didn't even bother to put clothes on. I laid in my bed and fell asleep faster then I ever have.

The next morning i had a tight tank top on and walked through the kitchen looking in the fridge. I grabbed some pickles and I then looked for peanut butter. I stood at the counter and got a spoon and put the peanut butter on it and ate it. I nodded to myself satisfied.

I grabbed both jars and went to sit down. I turned seeing Nemuri who glared at me. I took the pickle out my mouth.

"What?" I mumbled food in my mouth.

"What the hell are you eating?" She asked confused.

"A snack." I said and she sighed.

"What kind of snack?" She asked and I walked past her to the living room.

"Pickles." I said as she followed.

"With what exactly?" She asked.

"Peanut butter." I said after putting it on the coffee table. She looked me up and down.

"What?" I questioned giggling.

"Have you been working out?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Not really to tired." I said and she looked at me in my eyes. I tilted my head. She looked down my body and put a hand on my stomach.

"What are you calling me fat?" I asked giggling. She just looked at me seriously.

"Are you calling me fucking fat?" I growled and she sighed.

"That's the answer to my question." She mumbled to herself.

"Can I eat in peace please?" I asked and she backed off of me. I sat down cuddling a blanket and turned my show on.

I happily ate as Nemuri left to go do something.

I soon fell asleep on the couch tho.


I was woken up by a door slamming. I jumped opening my eyes seeing Nemuri stomping over. She threw a bag on my lap.

"Take that." She demanded. I sat up and looked in the bag seeing a pregnancy test. I laughed.

"Are you fucking serious? Why should I?" I laughed and she made me stand.

"You never liked pickles Y/n take the damn test." She growled and I put my hands up in defense.

"Ok ok shit." I said and went to the bathroom.

I took the test and waited. I leaned on the wall waiting.

This is stupid I'm not pregnant I think I would know if I was. What would I even do if I was. Actually that wouldn't be that hard since I'm not really doing villain work at the moment. What would Izuku think tho.

I jumped as my timer went off. My heart raised as I picked up the test. My hand shook before I looked at it. I sighed deeply tears coming to my eye. I walked out the bathroom.

I went up to Nemuri.

"Nemuri." I cried and she looked over to me from the couch. I turned the test around for her to see. She stood and walked over. She took it out my shaky hands.

"Positive. I knew it." She whispered. I grabbed both her hands.

"Nemuri? Nemuri what do I do? What do I do? He can't take the news right now he's too stressed." I was freaking out.

"What If the people find out he got a villain pregnant it will ruin him." I cried and she moved me to sit down on the couch.

"Sh Y/n everything will be ok." She said hugging me close to her.

"I will help you and with telling him. Don't not directly at least." She said and I pulled back a bit.

"What?" I sniffed.

"Don't hide it if he asks then give him a true answer if he doesn't then don't say anything. Don't hide it on purpose." She said and I nodded. 

" I will help you I promise." She said hugging tightly.

The next day I went to my sisters house.

When I walked in I smelled something good so I went straight to the kitchen. I saw my sister in the kitchen cooking. I skipped over.

"What are you making." I said and she jumped.

"I'm making chicken sandwiches. Here yours is already ready." She said and handed me a plate. I took it immediately eating it.

"Fuck it's spicy." I moaned turning around in delight.

"I knew you would like it considering you're expecting." She said and I looked at her.

"I will keep it to myself considering your relationship is already on the edge." She said and I nodded at her as a thank you. I sat at the island taking another bite.

"Where is Todoroki?" I mumbled mouth full of food.

"Right here." Todoroki said and I turned around to look at him. He gave me a side hug. My eyes met green ones behind him. I quickly looked away.

"Here is lunch." My sister said passing plates out to them Izuku sitting next to me. My sister then put another sandwich next to me.

"Spicy." She said and I nodded definitely going to eat it in a second. She sat next to Todoroki and they talked as I stuffed my face.

"Since when did you eat spicy food?" Izuku asked and I looked at him.

"Since I tried this sandwich here try." I said holding it out for him. He looked in my eyes as he took a bite. I blushed.

"Your right it is good." He said smiling. I turned away blushing hard. I giggled continuing eating.

After lunch we all sat in the living room talking. I sat next to Izuku as they sat across from us. I curled up in the corner of the couch and fell asleep.

Emiko POV

I giggled as my sister fell asleep. I can't believe I'm going to be a auntie. I wonder when I would have a kid. I smiled at the thought before my husband grabbed my arm.

"Yes?" I said coming back to the conversation. Izuku was looking at Y/n as she slept.

"Is she doing ok? She was acting a little strange at lunch. She never eats that much." He said and I nudged Todoroki as I smiled.

"She's doing ok. I'm sure she will be doing better in the months coming up. I do know she misses you." I giggled.

"That's good." He said.

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