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The next morning I was at Izukus alone.

I got up and went to the kitchen making me something small. I then sat on the couch and turned the TV on. I wasn't looking at it I was looking at my food not noticing the Channel.

"Is our new symbol of peace really what he seems or is he a trader?

       Recent witnesses and photographers have seen the legendary hero with Carnage the villain that has disappeared so suddenly and then popped back up here recently.

                They have been seen at a restaurant with a four year old kid that looks oddly exactly like the hero in question.

           Did our precious symbol of peace really have a kid with the known villain Carnage? Did she disappear because she was pregnant with the number ones child.

         This picture here proves they are in some kind of sexual relationship."

A picture of Our legs tangled underneath the table showed up.

         "We need answers and we need them now." The girl on the news said. I looked down at my food sadly. Suddenly not hungry at all. I put it on the coffee table and sighed turning the TV off.

This is one of the reasons why I left and why I didn't want to go eat at the restaurant. My phone then rang.

"Hello?" I asked not knowing the number.

"Come get your villainous son." The lady that I guess works at the school Izuku had brought him to growled.

"Wait but." She hung up on me. I sighed and sniffed getting my shoes.

I walked 15 minutes over to the school and they had left him outside. I ran over to him. I scraped my knees on the concrete.

"Baby." I said and he looked up to me crying. He had a black eye and a scrape on his cheek. I cupped his freckled and chubby cheeks.

"What happened?" I asked him and he just cried harder.

"Everyone wasn't so nice today." He cried and I picked him up and hugged him tightly. My own tears falling from one eye. He cried in my neck hugging me just as tightly.

"I'm so sorry baby." I said trying not to show I was also crying. I then started to walk back home.

"What can mommy do to make it better baby?" I asked him.

"PBJ." He mumbled and I nodded.


When at the gates of the community Izuku was standing there. He had his arms crossed with a sad expression. My tears started again.

When at the house I put Haruto on the couch.

"Daddy is here." I said and his head popped up. He ran over to him as I went to the kitchen to make him the sandwich he wanted.

I didn't listen as they talked. I was just trying to make the sandwich with shaky hands. Soon I heard Haruto's feet run along the ground to the guest room. My hands shook as I tried to spread jelly on the bread. I was just getting it everywhere.

"Y/n put the knife down." Izuku whispered softly to me. I shook my head.

"No Haruto wants a sandwich." I said sniffling.

"I can do it Y/n." He said and I shook my head again.

"No I got it." I said and he gently put a hand over mine.

"You're going to cut yourself let me." He whispered and I let go and moved out his way.

"They kicked him out of school Izuku." I said trying not to cry.

"I know they called me." He said and I ran my hands down my face.

"They are calling you a trader." I said and he nodded.

"I told you it wasn't a good idea. We don't work anymore Izuku you know that." I cried and he stopped and looked at me.

"Don't say that Y/n." He said.

"Why because it's true?" I questioned and turned away from him.

"Everyone is questioning you and your career and my son got beat up at school all because of me." I cried out sliding down a wall and hiding my face in my arms as I sat on the ground. I cried so hard I got a headache. I heard him sigh and leave the room before coming back and sitting next to me. He rubbed my back.

"It will all be ok Y/n." He said and I scoffed.

"Don't give me that crap. I don't want him to end up like I did. I don't want him to get treated like I did. I don't want to ruin your life Izuku." I cried and he just pulled me away from myself and hugged me to his chest. I hugged him back as he rubbed my shoulder.

"What am I going to do?" I cried in his chest and he just hushed me.

"You aren't going to do anything. Right now I want you to just cry it out and tomorrow take care of Haruto. Me and the others will take care of the rest." He said and I looked up at him.

"What no Izuku." He cut me off with a kiss.

"That's a order Y/n." He whispered and I nodded. Laying my head on his chest again. I snuggled in his neck as he hugged me enjoying the comfort.

Izuku POV

We sat on the kitchen floor. She had fallen asleep a long time ago. I sighed about to move when Haruto came around the corner.

"Daddy." He said and I looked over to him.

"Yes?" I asked and he walked over.

"What's wrong with mommy?" He asked moving her hair with his small hands.

"She's just a little upset." I said and he looked at me.

"Because I got hurt?" He asked and I nodded cupping his face.

"Yeah." I said and he was confused.

"Why she doesn't need to be upset." He said.

"She's supposed to protect you Haruto and she couldn't that's why she's upset." I said and he nodded.

"Here how about we all go take a nap?" I said and he nodded. I slowly got up picking Y/n up. We walked down the hall Haruto close behind.

"Is mommy going to be upset for long?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No daddy's going to fix it." I said and laid Y/n down.

"Get in bed with mommy I will be right back." I said and went to the bathroom. I changed into a dry shirt and came back out. Haruto was cuddled into Y/ns chest as she held him. Both fast asleep.

I walked over and took a picture of them before laying down and spooning Y/n holding them both gently.

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