Month 5
I looked in the mirror. I was definitely showing now. I frowned.
"I'm so fat now." I grumbled.
"What did you say dear?" Nemuri asked as she looked through clothes trying to fine something that would fit me.
"I'm fat now." I said looking at her.
"It won't last long honey." She said walking over and seeing if a shirt would fit. It was one of the ones my sis got me.
"Put this on." She said and I did so.
"When is Izuku picking you up?" She asked and I shrugged.
"Right now." A voice said and Izuku was at the door way of my room. I looked away from him glad I had my shirt on.
"How long have you been standing there?" I asked still looking in the mirror.
"I just got here." He said and I sighed slightly grateful.
"Here put these on." Nemuri said throwing pants at me.
"Come on Izuku." She said getting him out the room.
I slipped my pants on and we left to Bakugo's
The ride there was quiet. He had a hand on my thigh the whole way there. I was just hungry to be honest.
"Ok where's the food?" I asked right when we walked in the door. Izuku chuckled behind me. Bakugo scoffed as I looked for the food. I went to the kitchen seeing my sister and Todoroki.
"Shouldn't you cut back or something your fat." Bakugo said and I turned around looking at him sadly.
"Katsuki." Kiri grumbled.
"Kacchan." Izuku growled at him. My lip quivered. My Sister then stormed in the room beside me.
"No she's not she's perfectly healthy. Right?" She said looking at Izuku.
"Yep perfectly healthy." He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled softly. My sister grabbed my hand.
"Come on I brought your favorite." She said and she dragged me into the kitchen.
I stood at the island eating and we could hear Izuku getting onto him.
"Don't do that again Kacchan." He growled at him.
"What? I'm just being honest she's gotten fat no wonder you broke it off she looks pregnant." Bakugo growled and I tensed.
"One I didn't break things off. Two what if she's actually pregnant?" Izuku growled and I stopped eating.
"If she is then how come you don't even know?" Kiri asked.
"I got enough on my plate right now. She knows that. If she is at least she hasn't hidden it." Izuku said and I sighed looking at my food.
So he kinda knows. I guess that's a good thing.
"I think she's just fat." Bakugo said and I rolled my eyes.
"Kacchan." Izuku growled.
My sister had enough and we went in the living room me bringing food with me. I sat next to Izuku who only moved closer. A hand behind my head on the couch.
"Can I have a bite?" He asked and I thought about it.
"Fine." I said and gave him a bite.
"Thank you." He said and kissed my cheek again. I blushed and looked away.
I went back to the kitchen of course but this time for a drink. Izuku following.
"So how are you Y/n?" He asked coming up behind me. He rubbed my shoulders.
"Hungry still kinda tired and I think I gotta pee." I said and he chuckled.
"Not physically Y/n." He said slowly hugging me.
"Um I don't know exactly happy, sad, but I do know I'm really stressed." I said as his hands rubbed my stomach gently.
"Good as long as you're happy." He said kissing my cheek. I knew he wanted to kiss me but being on a break it wasn't really allowed. It was quiet as he held me.
"Hey Y/n?" He said and I did my best to look at him.
"Is what Kacchan said true?" He asked. I didn't say anything scared to answer the question. I looked away.
"Y/n?" He whispered concern in his voice. I tensed. But I didn't need to answer the baby did it for me. The baby kicked his hands a few times and I jumped a little not expecting it. Izuku leaned more into me. His head against mine. He hummed before moving my head and kissing me softly.
"If you need anything you can still call me or stay the night." He said and I nodded.
"Thanks." I said and he let me go.
The get together was boring. So a hour later we left.
In the car we laughed and joked like we never fought in the first place.
When he dropped me off and I got inside. I stripped all my clothes off since I was hot and I didn't like it. I got into something with less clothing.
I laid in bed about to pass out when my phone vibrated.
Izuku: I know you're not going to actually tell me. I know it's stressful not only on you but everyone around. I hope you will still have me around for all this.
I smiled at the text. I knew he didn't want to stress me out and I appreciate that.
Y/n: I will definitely let you know. I love you Izuku.
Izuku: I love you more.
I smiled at the text. I'm surprised it took him five months to figure it out.
The next morning I woke up in pain. I hissed sitting up. I moved my blanket and my sheets are covered in blood. I freaked out.
"Nemuri!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I started to cry. Another pain shooting through out my body. My door then slammed open.
"Y/n! Oh my god." She didn't hesitate to pick me up.
She ran to the car and put me in it. She got in the driver's seat and sped off.
"You don't think it's." I cried gripping her arm.
"No just breath Y/n." She said and I tried to control my breathing.
Another sharp pain went through my body.
"Nemuri." I cried as she sped up.
At the hospital she carried me in. We got help immediately. They put me on a bed and I already had a doctor by my side. They rushed me down the hallway giving me a IV and asked Nemuri my blood type. They also asked how far along I was.
After that they brought me in a room and used scissors to cut my shorts off.
"Give her a pain killer and get a mask we need to put her to sleep." The doctor yelled and there was a mask placed on my face.
"Count to 10." The nurse said and I did my best.
"1." I whimpered the nurse counting with me.
After 4 I passed out.

Blood Lust
Roman d'amourY/n and her family are rich. Her sister apparently got her quirk first and her parents were so happy when that happened they didn't really think about Y/n until a day after. After a while they had just assumed she was quirkless. After a bad car acc...