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We sat in the living room watching the response of CPS to the riots. Izuku sitting next to me holding my hands.

"We are sorry about our agents behavior in that video. Unfortunately with how serious these accusations are we can not give him back." The man said. I gripped Izuku's hands. The crowd started yelling at the man and throwing things. Izuku brought my head to his chest. His head on top of mine.

"Izu." I whimpered and he hushed me.

"I know." He whispered as I gripped his shirt. I cried into his shirt.

I cried into his chest until I fell asleep with a headache.

Izuku POV

I put a blanket over her and made sure she was comfortable before I left.

Thanks to Emiko I know were this guy lives. I got into the guys house through the window and sat on his couch in the dark. The guy came home and I made my presents known by activating my quirk. My eyes glowing with lighting dancing around me. The guy froze.

"How did you?" He asked surprised. I got up walking over to him.

"My girlfriend is a villain you really think I don't pay attention to her and how she does things?" I said and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Sit." I said and shoved him in a seat. I then turned the lights on and sat on the coffee table in front of the guy.

"While you were gone I noticed that well you have a kid of your own." I said pointing at a picture.

"Now you know me and what I do for this country. You have seen me fighting with no mercy sometimes." I said and the man nodded.

"Now imagine what I would do for my family." I said and he gulped.

"Y/n is the toughest person I know right beside Dynamite and this has broke her in ways that really concern me. I have never seen her cry so much before. It's to the point that it's affecting her physical health." I said looking at the man in his eyes.

"You will give my son back or I will come back and no one will see you ever again am I understood?" I asked and he nodded furiously.

"Good I already have a enemy to watch out for I don't need another." I growled and got up. I walked to the door and stopped.

"Get my son back in a week or I will be back. Oh and don't run we will find you." I said and left.

I went home finding Y/n still on the couch. I walked over and got on my knees waking her. Her blood red tired puffy eyes meeting mine.

"Hey love lets go to bed." I whispered and she slowly wrapped her arms around my neck her body starting to shake with sobs. She quietly cried in my neck as I picked her up and brought her to our room. I just know seeing me everyday isn't helping her at all since Haruto looks so much like me. I laid her down and she pulled me with her.

I didn't mind I was tired and upset to. Seeing her like this breaks my heart especially since I can't do anything. The fact she hasn't gone to rip that place apart yet scares me. My Y/n would have gone to war for us. Not sit in bed crying all day.

When I woke up the next morning I heard a knock on our front door. I got up but I noticed she wasn't in bed. I was confused and looked around. I walked to the kitchen. I saw her standing in there holding a knife.

"Y/n? Why are you up?" I asked not wanting to upset her. That's when I noticed her shaking shoulders and that the knife rested on her wrist. I used my quirk and ran over making her drop the knife.

"No!" She screamed and backed up into me. We fell backwards as the door slammed open. My mom and Kacchan running in.

"Why would you do that Y/n!" I yelled tears in my eyes as I held her close.

"He is gone and I'm never getting him back." She cried into my arms.

"You don't know that. We will get him back." I said and looked up at Kacchan who was getting anything sharp out the house.

"My baby's gone." She cried witch made my heart break. My mom came over and grabbed her hands.

"Come on L/n let's get you cleaned up huh? That'll make you feel a little better." My mom said and Y/n actually went with her.

When they left the room I sighed my hands in my hair. I knew it got to her a lot I just didn't think it was this bad. I hit my head on the cabinet behind me.

"You ok Deku?" Kacchan asked me and I shook my head.

"No we need him back." I said frustrated. I sat there in the floor for a few minutes until my mom came in.

"Izuku honey she wants you." She said and I got up. Tears falling down my face. I walked down the hallway and to our room.

When I walked in she was cuddled in blankets. I got on the bed leaning a bit over her. She put a hand on my shoulder as I laid down next to her.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"It's ok Y/n you're in pain. Pain that I unfortunately can't help you with as much as I would like." I said and sighed.

"You said he is your everything and I know you meant it." I said.

"You're my everything too." She whispered.

"I know But Haruto has your heart in a way I never will." I said playing with the ends of her hair. She huffed smiling.

"He is my son he is supposed to have my heart in a way you don't. But you also have a place in my heart that no one can fill in. Even the thought of being with someone else raising Haruto with someone else makes me sick." I smiled at her statement.

"Of course without Haruto here I don't know what to do with myself. I feel empty and useless. I know it's unlike me to do nothing but I can't fight the government." She said and I nodded.

"Yeah that's a little difficult." I said.

"I need him back Izuku." She whimpered. I pulled her into a hug.

"I know we are trying everything." I said running my hand in her hair.

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