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"Y/n is a villain. We arrested her last night. Now I'm to tired for this. Who wants or who can I trust to show Y/n around and bring her back?" Eraser asked.

No one raised their hand everyone just looked around until a green haired boy raised his hand.

"Um I can sir." He said and Eraser sighed.

"Alright Midoriya don't leave campus or the school at all understand. Y/n?" Eraser said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes sir." I grumbled as the green haired kid walked over.

"Um l-let's go." He stuttered. I nodded following him out the room. The door closed behind us.

"So um that was the class room. It's also everyone's home room and all classes will be in there." He said and I just nodded.

We walked in silence. I walked behind him wondering what exactly Stain saw in this shy guy.

"So um your last name L/n are you related to Emiko L/n?" He asked shyly.

"Yes she's my twin sister." I said now walking beside him.

"Oh um do you remember me at all?" He asked and I looked at him.

"What? You think I would forget?" I said stopping in front of him. I leaned forward getting into his face.

"Uh." He blushed at my closeness.

"Your that kid with that book right? The one who was told to kill him self." I said.

"Um yeah." He said.

"Of course I remember you. The real question is why did you volunteer? I'm a villain." I said leaning away.

"Well I remember you from that day. When we first met. You really helped me so you must not be that bad." He said and I was a bit shocked. He walked past me.

"You might be a villain but you took time out your day to help me to become a hero no less." He said and I turned following him.

"Good thing I did or Stain would be in jail for no reason." I said sadly.

"I'm sure this is all stressful for you. If you need anything just say so. I know it'll take time for the others to come around but I already saw your good side so no need to try with me." He said and I just looked at him. Why is he so nice?

"Anyway this is the cafeteria." He said and we looked around before moving on.

What is it about this brat?

In class

I sat in the back of class bored out my mind. I banged my head on my desk. I laid there looking out the window. I looked a my reflection the scar across my nose catching my attention. I sighed feeling my heart drop.

I told myself no more school because of what happened. Look at me in one filled with fake heroes. Well some aren't that bad. I thought look to Midoriya. His so strange I'm surprised he even remembers me. At least I have kinda a friend already right?

"Alright it's lunch. Y/n." Eraser said and I looked up.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Come here." I stood walking over.

He took my cuffs off. Some people gasping behind me.

"I know this is stressful so how about you eat in the cafeteria. The caller will shock you if you use your quirk understood." He said and I nodded.

I walked out making my way to the cafeteria. I held myself as I made my way through the halls. Everyone looking at me or glaring at me. It felt just like the last time I was in school. I just looked down at my feet. Noticing some scars on my legs. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up my blood red eyes meeting green ones.

"Hey how about you eat with us." Midoriya said and I looked behind him. Seeing a girl with pink cheeks and a guy with glasses.

"Midoriya I'm sorry but I refuse." The glasses guy said.

"Hey Deku why don't you just come eat with us." The girl said and I got a bit angry.

"Deku? Why are you calling him that?" I growled and Midoriya waved his hands around.

"No it's fine L/n it's just a nickname I have I don't take it the wrong way anymore." He said smiling. I looked away.

"Ok." I said and he looked to the others.

"That's fine if you don't want to guys. I will see you guys later." He said before grabbing my hand.

"Let's go L/n." He said dragging me along. I blushed at a boy holding my hand.

He dragged me through the people and we waited in line.

"So what's your favorite food? Mines Kutsudon." He asked and I looked away.

"It's f/f." I said shyly not used to people being friendly.

"Really whoa. I had it before it really is delicious." He said as we went up in line.

"By the way you can order whatever you want and just show your ID no money needed." He said and I nodded.

"Cool." I said.

After getting food we sat at a table. It was just us.

"So what's your favorite color." He asked and I sighed looking at my food. I never thought about something so small as that. I looked up to him again. He has a smile on his face as he patiently waited.

"Um green I guess. You?" I asked still a little awkward at this.

"Hm red. My child hood friend his eyes are red and All Mights costumes always have a bit of red on it." He said passionately. He then looked up into my eyes and blushed hard. He then looked away. I was a little confused but just brushed it off.

"That's cool Midoriya." I said.

"Um Midoriya." I said looking at my food.

"Yes?" He said looking at me.

"Um I'm sorry if I'm a bit socially awkward." I said laughing a bit.

"It's fine L/n your not the only one. Todoroki um the kid with the red and white hair over there." He pointed. I looked over.

"He is a little awkward also and I am myself so no worries." He said and I nodded.

"Thank you Midoriya for um making me feel at least a bit welcome here." I said looking at my hands.

"It's no problem." He said.

Later at the dorms.

We all stood outside what Eraser said was the dorm building. Midoriya wouldn't really let me leave his side. Almost anytime I was alone he would just pop up. I didn't mind it was just a little strange to me. He wouldn't talk just be there. It was nice not to be alone today I thought I would be.

"Alright go in and look around. Your stuff should be inside your rooms just need to unpack." Eraser said as everyone started to walk in.

"Y/n come with me." He said and I followed.

We got in a elevator and went to the 4th floor. We walked in the hallway and stopped at a door. He took my cuffs off with a sigh.

"Now your rules. 1. Don't leave the grounds without permission. 2. No fighting with the other kids without adults supervision. 3. Do not take your caller off. Am I understood?" He said then handing me a phone.

"Here is a new phone. Your other one was taken for evidence. My number and Midnights is on there. Add whoever you want." Eraser said and I took it.

"Thanks Eraser." I said and he sighed ruffling my hair.

"Uh we aren't enemies anymore call me Aizawa." He said and I laughed.

"Ok Eraser." I said and he shook his head.

"Go put your room together." He said walking away.

I walked in my room. There wasn't much looks like Midnight put some things up and had gotten me some other things.

I smiled and got to work.

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