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When I woke up I was in a hospital. Of course I was handcuffed to the side of the bed. I sat up my other arm wrapped up. A IV in my arm giving me blood.

"Carnage or should I say Y/n." Eraser said and I sighed.

"Please tell me my father isn't on the other side of that door." I asked not looking at him. I looked out the window.

"No he is not. Since he is the reason your a villain he will not have any contact with you until we are sure it's fine." He said walking over to the bed.

"How is Stain?" I asked.

"He is doing just fine." He said and I nodded.

"Y/n." He said getting my attention.

"What?" I growled.

"I feel bad that you might be locked up." He said.

"Really because I don't." I growled.

"Look I'm working to get you out of it a bit. If I did would you accept it?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know." I said.

"What's in it for me?" I asked.

"Rehabilitation maybe some friends." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't care about that shit." I said making him sigh.

"Ok then Stain won't be put on death row." He said getting my full attention.

"What!" I yelled by accident.

"Whoa calm down. If you accept my help he won't be put there and instead he will be put in Tartarus." He said and I sighed.

"What exactly would I be doing if not in jail?" I asked.

"We will talk about that later. A hero Midnight will come in and make sure you get dressed without running off." He said walking to the door.

"Why do you care so much? You don't know me." I said looking at my lap.

"Because you're a child and I know your father. He treats you way different then your sister witch is unfair." He said and walked out. I sighed before the door busted open making me jump.

"What the!" I yelled at the tall lady that came in holding a bag.

"Hey girly girl I brought you some clothes to change into. You know you are much hotter then your sister." She yelled giving me a bag.

"You know my sister?" I questioned as she was taking my handcuff off.

"Yes she's a student in class 1-A. She's a excellent student. I bet your even better." She said as the cuff fell off.

I got up and put the outfit on.

"Um isn't this a bit inappropriate?" I asked as she was loving it

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"Um isn't this a bit inappropriate?" I asked as she was loving it.

"Oh no your fine it looks good." She gushed over me walking over.

"Now we need to go to the police station. Unfortunately you need to put some of this on." She held up a caller, hand cuffs, and a muzzle.

"This is a little um." I started.

"Kinky I know!" She yelled as she put on the cuffs. She put the rest on and we walked out the room.

"Uh Midnight I said appropriate clothes not this!" Eraser yelled. We both laughed. Mine being muffled.

We walked down the hall to a room and stood outside the open doors. Some dog guy was talking to the kids.

"Sir we are ready." Eraser said making the dog look at me.

"Like here." The dog said dragging me into the room. I was surprised at the sudden movement.

"Some people will take all this the wrong way woof. Then you would end up like Carnage here." He said and I growled moving the hybrids hand off me. Tripping over my own feet someone catching me before I fell. My muzzle falling off.

"Don't use me as a example you damn mutt!" I growled as he just looked at me.

"See now we have to fix this rabid girl woof." I growled getting out of whoever's arms.

"Forget unworthy hero's all of you are nothing but trash!" I yelled before I got slapped in the face by the dog. I fell to my knees at the stinging on my cheek.

"Hey! Just because she yelled doesn't mean hit her!" Eraser yelled Midnight running over. Eraser stood in front of me.

Midnight patted my head helping me out my stunned state.

"Just because she's a villain doesn't mean she's not a child! She has feelings to." Eraser yelled as he got down to my level. He looked at my cheek then to Midnight before he stood.

"I'm sorry honey you need this on." She said putting the muzzle back on. I wasn't paying attention. I was to busy looking up at Eraser with admiration. No one has said anything like that to me nor protect me like this. Before the muzzle was completely on I spoke.

"I'll do whatever you want Eraser. As long as Stain is safe. Plus you have earned my respect." I said making him turn to me.

"Good." Is all he said before I got muzzled again.

"Now since you want to be that way we will take beautiful Y/n here to the station our selfs." Midnight said helping me up. Eraser nodded walking out with us.

In the car.

"I do apologize for the Chiefs behavior Y/n." Eraser said as he drove. Midnight leaned back taking my muzzle off.

"It's fine Eraser. No ones ever stood up from me well except Stain." I said sadly.

"Don't worry dear Aizawa and I have a plan for you. I'm sure you will get along with everyone just fine. Maybe fine you're self a boyfriend." Midnight squealed. I laughed.

"I don't think I would get that far Midnight." I laughed.

"Oh don't say that. I'm sure someone would like a bad girl like you." Midnight said. I rolled my eyes amused at her strange brightness.

"Sure but what exactly do you guys have planned?" I asked.

"We will talk about it at the station. There's someone we want you to meet." Eraser said and I just nodded.

At the station.

They walked me in and I was put in a room. It was a white room with a mirror and table. I walked in and sat down.

"We will be right back." They said and I sighed.

I tapped on the table and looked around as I waited.

Soon the door opened and I was confused. I looked up to Eraser.

"What the hell is that?" I asked looking at the bear? Rat? Whatever it was it jumped on a chair across from me.

"Y/n L/n my name is Nezu it's nice to meet you. Now we have a proposition for you." The rat said and I raised a eyebrow.

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