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Izuku POV

I am in my office chair as Y/n slept on the couch that I had in my office. I felt so bad for her. We had a rough night last night which ended with her in the hospital for something we didn't even know about. It's all my fault. If I didn't get so caught up in the moments we had and demanded we used protection then this wouldn't have happened. Nether of us would be sad right now. Mostly her.

She's been quiet and mopey ever since. I got
My mom to watch Haruto last night when we left.

Last night.
Izuku POV

We had just gotten home from drinking with Dabi and Toga since they just got back from a mission. We laughed and stumbled into the house as quietly as we could. Uraraka had just left after we got back and Haruto was asleep.

We stumbled into our room and started to change. I was laying on the bed when it happened. She had gotten up out of bed.

"Shit almost forgot to brush my teeth." She said and I just sighed ready to sleep already. I watched her get up and she crouched holding her stomach.

"Whoa you ok?" I asked going to her side holding her up.

"Yeah it's just a cramp." She hissed in pain.

"Like period related?" I asked and she nodded. I let her go and watched her carefully as she went to the bathroom.

She leaned on the door frame and whimpered. I got up and walked over to her.

"Are you sure? they aren't usually this bad." I asked and she nodded. She sighed and grabbed my shoulder standing straight.

"I think I'm fine Izuku." She giggled but a sharp pain went through her and she doubled over in pain trying not to scream. I followed her to the floor.

"Y/n are you sure?" I asked her and she didn't say anything. She lifted her shirt and her sweat pants are covered in blood way to much for a period.

I didn't hesitate to pick her up. I used my quirk and ran outside putting her in the car. I went to the drivers seat and pulled out the driveway.

I then rushed to the hospital. I called my mom to go and get Haruto. Y/n growled and huffed in the passenger seat. The pain not stopping.

At the hospital she was seen right away.

It was only a few hours later when she came out and put in a room. She was sleeping when I went in and I waited patiently for her to wake up. I held her hand the whole time.

A hour later she did wake up and I sighed in relief.

"What happened?" She asked and I shrugged.

"No idea. The doctor said he wanted to tell us together." I said gripping her hand tightly. She sat up.

"Oh so it's bad then huh?" She said and I shrugged again. A nurse came in checked a few things and went to get the doctor. At this point it was 3 in the morning. The doctor came in and he looked sad. He hesitated to speak.

"Well Um Ms. L/n. Mr.Midoriya were you trying for a baby recently?" He said and we both shook our heads no.

"Well even if not this is difficult news to hear." He said looking at his clipboard I glanced at Y/n holding her hand with both of mine.

"Ms. L/n I'm afraid that you had a miscarriage. Do to stress, recent alcohol use and we found traces of poison in your system. The baby was only 3 weeks." He said and it got deathly quiet in the room. I sighed and nodded at him in shock. Y/ns hand started to shake so I looked at her. She looked at her lap eyes wide and red one eye with tears. The doctor quietly left giving us space. When the door closed she burst into tears throwing herself back onto the bed. I stood.

"Don't do that y/n." I whispered softly leaning over the bed. She was crying so harshly it hurt to watch. My own tears falling. I pulled her into a hug. She gripped my shirt tightly as she cried in my neck. I kept her close as I sat on the side of the hospital bed. I ran a hand in her hair in hopes to calm her.

"We didn't know. Emiko jinxed it. I'm sorry." She cried hard into my neck.

"It's not your fault don't apologize we didn't know." I whispered to her as she cried loudly in my neck.

When she calmed down I paid the bill and we left. In the car to my agency she didn't say a word.


She has been asleep on the couch ever since. To be honest I was tired myself. I got up and walked over to the couch. I crouched down and rubbed her shoulder.

"Y/n?" I whispered voice shaky. She turned opening her eyes.

"Can I join you?" I asked and she nodded. I stood kicking my shoes off. She moved the blanket and I got on top of her my head on her chest. She moved the blanket over me as I snuggled into her. Her arms on my shoulders as I laid there. Now was my turn to cry. I hugged her tightly as I cried in her chest. Her hands in my hair as I sobbed. I shouldn't be doing this at work but I couldn't help it.

She said she wanted another one and I gave her what she wanted. Even though it was at the wrong time and we didn't know. Deep down I wanted it also but life is cruel.

Not long after that we just went home. When we got there Y/n was angry to see Haruto wasn't in school.

"Why is he not in school?" She growled at my mom.

"He deserves a break about the news also." My mom said and I sighed shaking my head.

"He doesn't know plus he missed way to much school when we moved here." Y/n growled.

"Oh no he didn't two days isn't that bad." My mom said.

"Are you fucking serious? I know you hate me ok I understand but that's my son what I say goes what Izuku says goes!" Y/n said getting angrier.

"Look I know you're upset about the miscarriage I can understand but it's a good thing when you move out you won't have another mouth to feed on your own." My mom said and even I was offended.

"Mom really? That's my kid too how can you say that?" I said and she looked at me.

"You can understand? I doubt that. Since clearly you're being rude not only to me but you're son who just lost a kid! You lost a grandchild and you're being a bitch about it!" Y/n yelled she was getting really upset about this. Tears running down her face. She dragged her hands down her face and walked in the kitchen. She swiped some dishes off the counter. I watched and she wobbled before falling down. Still light headed from blood loss. I'm so glad Haruto is in his room. It was quiet the only sound being Y/ns loud sobs.

"Leave mom." I said and walked her to the door. I opened it and she walked out.

"From now on you're never seeing them again or any future kids." I said and she gasped.

"Wait Izu." I closed and locked the door. I sighed starting to cry myself not believing what my mom said. I walked in the kitchen and got on the floor with Y/n who was sitting in a ball. I hugged her close my head on her shoulder.

"Why does the world hate me so much?" She cried.

"I don't know." I whispered. It was quiet until I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I looked over and it was Haruto. He looked worried. I smiled at him and put him in my lap. His tiny hands grabbed Y/ns arm.

"Y/n look." I whispered rubbing her back. She looked up from her arms. She looked at me and Haruto.

"We don't hate you." I whispered as Haruto wiped her tears.

"Yeah mommy we love you." Haruto said which made her cry more. She leaned against me as Haruto got in her lap. She moved her legs onto mine. I hugged them both.

"I love you too my boys." She giggled as she hugged him tightly. I didn't mind the fact that Haruto was her main source of comfort sometimes. I understand he is her everything and I'm ok with that.

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