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"Y/n come on. Come walk down here with me." Izuku complained. I walked along a roof edge looking down at him in his hero costume.

"No." I said arms crossed.

"Y/n." He wined as he walked the side walk.

"You said you were going to show me the office not walk patrol." I said and he stopped looking up to me. I stopped looking down.

"Come on please just walk with me." He said and I jumped down.

"Fine but if we get harassed I'm going back up there." I said and he smiled. He wrapped a arm around my shoulders as we walked.

"We won't get harassed." He said as we walked down the side walk.

"Are you sure leaving Haruto with Ochaco is a good thing?" I asked this being the first time I left him with someone that's not my sister or a school.

"He will be just fine Y/n don't worry." He said and I sighed.

"I am worried. He is my baby my world. I just want him safe." I said and he pulled me closer kissing my head. I smiled.

"He is just fine." He growled playfully against my temple leaning into me and almost making us fall. We laughed hard as he caught me. He kissed my cheek as I laughed.

"Oh my goodness you guys are so cute." A girl squealed. We looked up seeing a teenage girl holding her phone up.

"Thank you." Izuku said as he leaned away.

"Can I get your autograph?" She asked him and he nodded taking the pen and paper from her. She then came up to me.

"I know you're like a mass murderer but you're so pretty." She said and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said nervously.

"Here you go." Izuku said handing the paper to her. She then handed it to me.

"Yours too." She said and I slowly took it.

"Mine? why mine?" I asked her as a wrote Carnage underneath Izukus hero name.

"Again I know you're a murderer but you're so cool. I know I shouldn't say that." She said and I nodded.

"It's ok just don't follow my lead got it." I said handing the paper back.

"I won't thank you both." She said and ran off.

"See did she harass you?" Izuku asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Ha Ha let's just go to your office." I said grabbing his gloved hand.

At his office.

He showed me around the agency. Some employees glaring at me. I didn't notice because I was looking at Izuku in his hero costume.

Soon we got to his big office. He stayed at the door as I walked in. I swayed my hips as I walked over to his desk. I trailed my fingers on the wood. I glanced behind my shoulder to him. He was leaning on the door frame. I bit my lip and sat on his desk. His eye brow raised as he watched me. His desk was nice and clean. I leaned back on it and spread my legs. I made a come here motion with my finger. He smirked and closed the door locking it. He walked over and stood between my legs. He leaned on the desk.

"What are you doing." He said and I smiled.

"What? It's one of my dreams since 4 years ago getting fucked on the number ones desk while he is in costume." I said sitting up running my hands along his costume.

"You like my costume that much?" He asked. I nodded.

"It gives you authority and I like to disrespect authority." I said tugging on his red belt. He hummed.

"Or do you just want me to disrespect you?" He said and I giggled.

"I wouldn't mind that. Right here." I said and laid back on the desk pulling on his red belt.

"On this desk right now." I said and slowly trailed my leg up and put it on his shoulder.

"Fine." He said and I watched as he slowly unzipped his costume. I squirmed watching him. He then bit both his gloves off. He then leaned over me. My leg on his shoulder getting pushed forward. I watched him grab a letter opener. He sat up and used it to cut a whole in my pants.

"Uh Izuku!" I yelled at him. He pushed me back down.

"Oh hush they are just pants I can by you more and I have some in my locker downstairs." He said and I huffed.

"You're lucky I really want you right now." I said as he ripped the whole bigger. I watched him unbuckle his belt and unzipped his costume more. He gripped my hips and leaned over kissing me and pushing into me. I moaned into the kiss as he did. He pulled away and took his metal mask off. He then started to softly thrust. I gasped my head hitting the desk my hands finding something to grip onto. I just held his arms as I moaned loudly my back arching off the desk.

He pulled out and pulled me to the side of the desk. He grabbed one of his long gloves. He put it in my mouth and tied it behind my head.

"Be a good villain and be quiet." He whispered before flipping me over and on the desk. I felt him push my feet apart. I moaned as his fingers went inside. I gripped the edge of the desk in front of me. He took his fingers away and thrusted inside again. My head popped up my feet leaving the ground. His hand tangled with mine on the edge of the desk as he hovered over me. He thrusted deep and I whimpered into the glove in my mouth. I kept moaning "fuck" and "Izuku" muffled over and over as he got faster.

My back arched as my body tensed. He moaned in my ear before biting my neck as we both came. He sat up and untied the glove. It fell out my mouth.

"Fuck." I moaned my head dropped. He got a tissue and cleaned me up.

"I will go get you those sweat pants. Stay." He said and left.

I laid there catching my breath and slowly standing. I sat on the desk big whole in my crotch of my pants. I moved my underwear back in place when I heard the door open.

"You really owe me new pants after that you ass." I giggled looking up. My face dropped and I stood  pulling my shirt down my legs crossed and shaky.

"Chloe? Right?" I said and the girl closed the door behind her.

"Carnage right?" She sassed.

"Yes actually." I growled.

"What are you doing here?" I growled.

"Getting some things. What are you doing here?" She growled.

"Fucking your boss." I said and Izuku walked in. She didn't say anything back.

"Here put this on in the rest room. You get out." He said and I went to the rest room to change.

I heard yelling and a door slamming. I walked out tying the strings of the sweat pants.

"Everything ok in here?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes." He said and walked over. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me.

He took me to the desk outside his office.

"Now sit down and I will show you how to do this." He said and I nodded.

"You just log in look at my emails, answer the phone, and schedule things that need to be done like interviews, photo shoots, Tv shows, meetings. Stuff like that. And you just make sure I'm on time for them. Here is my schedule right here." He said showing me.

"Ok is that it?" I asked seeing how easy this kinda was.

"Well you my dear are special. Since your status as a villain you will also be getting the emails from our villain spy's. You will also have all control over them my orders or not but please discus things about it with me before you do anything ok." He said and I nodded.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked and he crouched down on the floor next to my chair.

"Yes. We get to spend time together like you wanted. Plus you can bring Haruto here sometimes. Look just work here for a few days and if you want to quit then you can." He said and I nodded.

"Ok I will try." I said and looked down to him. He stood and kissed me.


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