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I woke up in a hospital bed Nemuri sitting next to me holding my hand.

"Nemuri are they ok?" I whispered feeling extremely weak. Nemuri just smiled at me as the doctor came in.

"Good you're awake. Your son is doing just fine." He said and I sat up a little.

"My son?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes ma'am you're having a boy. He is perfectly healthy and so are you. The bleeding was only a small infection that caused bleeding and false labor." He said and I nodded.

"Your mother brought you fast enough and we treated the infection just in time before it took you both. I'm going to subscribe some antibiotics for you. I also want to suggest bed rest and house arrest since this might happen in when your really in labor and we want you as rested and strong as you can get. So go for a walk once or twice a day but not for to long." He said and I nodded.

"Ok thank you so much." I said and he nodded. Then my sister and Todoroki came in the door.

"Is everything ok?" My sister asked as Todoroki took the doctor outside. Probably paying the bill.

"Yes everything is fine Emiko just a infection that caused a whole mess." I said as she sat at my other side.

"Oh my but you two are ok now right?" She asked and I smiled.

"Yes me and my son are as healthy as ever." I said and her mouth dropped.

"Son? It's a boy oh my gosh." She jumped and got all excited. I looked to Nemuri as she freaked out.

"Can I have my phone." I asked and she handed me it.

Izuku POV

I was stressed in my office doing paperwork. I had forgotten about everything so focused on my hero work.

I got a text from someone and just glanced it over. I shrugged at it not understanding. I sighed putting my phone down and going back to work. This mission taking up all my time and thoughts.

The text was only a few words so I didn't reply or pay any mind thinking it was a mistake.

Y/n: it's a boy.


I sat in bed at the hospital waiting for a reply.

I never got one.

Of course it did make me upset. Especially since he had read it.

He knows right so how come he hasn't answered. Does he not want a kid. He never said if he did or not. I sighed at my phone.

The next day

I was released from the hospital and I sat on the couch. I sighed looking at my phone. Still nothing.

I put a hand on my stomach as I looked up to Nemuri.

"What's wrong?" She asked giving me food.

"He still hasn't texted back. I don't think he cares." I said sadly.

"Men are complicated." She said sitting next to me.

"Do you think he will leave me for good?" I asked not wanting to eat.

"I don't know sweetheart." She said and I sighed.

Later that night

I sat in bed crying. I had tried calling Izuku but he didn't answer my calls.

He didn't text me back after I called. There was nothing. I cried thinking I made a big mistake.

I didn't want to bother my sister with it. I eventually stopped calling him. I put my phone down.

I started to cry hard not understanding how the hell I got in this position in the first place. I felt my heart sink with depression setting in.

I didn't think my life would get any darker. Sitting here in my adopted mother's house pregnant with a hero's baby that no one wants to deal with. No job, no money. Leaning on everyone that's willing to put up with it.

I laid on my back trying to focus on my breathing. I almost died yesterday and I just might died during birth so what exactly will happen after.

I jumped when I felt something moving. I gasped and sat up on the head bored. I pulled my shirt up and looked. He was moving and kicking. It hurt a little but felt really weird.

I put a hand on my stomach feeling him moving. Suddenly all my dark thoughts disappeared. I smiled softly.

How could I be upset? When I have the only thing that I shouldn't be upset about.

"Damn now I gotta pee." I laughed. He stopped moving and I sat there thinking.

"Haruto." I whispered to myself. I smiled at him kicking at the name I just gave him.

"How about we take a bath. I could very much use one." I said getting up. I sat on the side of my bed for a moment and then got up completely.

"How about a shower instead. I have no idea if I could even get in a bath." I said going into my bathroom.

After my shower I went to get a snack. I stood in the kitchen eating some pickles.

"It's just me and you little guy. Against the world." I said happily eating a pickle.

(Sorry the chapters are a bit short.)

(Haruto means sun or light)

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