Attention Please Read

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Hey Guys,
I hope you all are keeping well and thriving!
Just wanted to pop on here for a brief second, I'd appreciate it if you could read the following message x.

I am not and never claimed to be a professional writer

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I am not and never claimed to be a professional writer. I use this app purely for my own enjoyment and entertainment as I'm sure many of you do as well. I wrote a few stories for my own benefit and decided to share them with people who might also have an interest and enjoy them too.

I apologise if my grammar and writing style isn't everyone's forte. As I know myself it is far from perfect: Unlike myself many beginners use this platform as a stepping stone to pursue writing full time.
But unfortunately negative comments, hateful words and people just being down right rude could knock someone's confidence and cause them to stop doing what they love completely and frankly I find that absolutelyheartbreaking.

If you do not enjoy a story there is an option for you to remove said book from your library, Leaving criticism politely is appreciated but putting someone's story down is ignorant and unnecessary.

There clearly are a lot of phenomenal writers on this app! And I think everyone should be able to do what they want without being hated on. As I've said I published stories for my own enjoyment, even though they are not perfect.

Apparently it's illegal now to write on Wattpad without being a professional fully qualified writer. I must've missed the memo. I possibly might remove all my stories from my profile later this evening, I've unpublished 6 so far. I am not overreacting I'm simply standing up for people who might not have the confidence to speak up and defend themselves.

I would actually like to thank every single person who liked my books and enjoyed them even if they were flawed. You encouraged me to keep doing what I loved, Your all angels and I'm forever grateful ❤️. Also to the people who left constructive criticism and helped me fix up the original rough drafts I post at the very start!

Thank you for listening and taking the time out of your day to read my quick little message! x

I hope everyone has a great day/night

Lots of love x

Lots of love xC

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