Chapter 39

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The winter breeze blew through the campus of Hogwarts. The occasional student wrapped in a hat and scarf, it was rather chilly but not that cold that I felt the need for a hat and scarf.

Instead I had my cloak hung loosely on my body, I had just finished defence against the dark arts and I had a free 'study' period next. Making my way through the bare trees I plop down on the bench, Things had been good. Which is weird.

The dark lord had been quiet not making any demands to myself or Draco. I've come to the conclusion he's preparing for his entrance back into wizarding society.

Potter and his group have been still secretly meeting up in their practice area me and Amanda almost found it yesterday but granger intervened. Causing us to lose sight of them for two seconds which then led to me getting an ear full from dumbridge. She really is a witch and I don't mean that as a compliment.

Inhaling a deep breath i sigh.

Christmas break was approaching fast and I could wait to see my father and the Malfoy's. A wind ripples through the trees and snowflakes began to fall, staring up at the sky I watch the individual snowflake fall. Each completely different from the other. I could fight the small smile that that had graced my face for the first time in days.

I'm surrounded by warmth turning I stare up at Draco who had pulled me to a embrace. I slouch back leaning more Into him his cologne invading my senses.

"Love why are you out here without a scarf?"

I shrug. "Didn't think I'd need one"

He furrows eyebrows and his cheeks puff out as  releases a sigh. "You do realise it's snowing right?"

I stare at him. "I'm aware but it wasn't snowing when I first came out" i giggle. I stare at the ground the seemed to be disappearing under the white blanket. "I love snow it's so beautiful"

He looks down at me with a loving gaze. "No where near as beautiful as you"

"That was cheesy Malfoy"

"No it was cute"

I place a kiss on his cheek. "Cute just like you". He huffs and folds his arms over his chest.

"I'm not cute! I'm handsome"

I burst out laughing. "Of course".

A chill ripples through my body and I pull the cloak closer to my body. Draco wraps his arms around me and pulls me up.

"I think we better get you inside before you catch a cold". I nod.

"I think that's best" I dust off my clothes and I follow Draco inside. I glance over my shoulder and see the golden trio race to hagrids cottage. I roll my eyes and shrug. Just this once I'll ignore it and continue inside.

The platform for 9 and 3/4 was packed as usual. Students busy searching for family and loved ones, I was stood next to Draco. We were looking for Cissa who had insisted on picking us up at the station rather than I us use the flo on our own.

I heard a familiar voice and I spun around to see my father? Standing there with a small smile. He gave me a wave and I turned to Draco before facing him again, Cissa walked up behind him and stopped next to him.

She motioned us to come over and I waved my wand causing my trunk to follow behind me. She pulled me into a hug and then Draco.

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