Chapter 40

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Stumbling down the stairs Draco chuckles behind me, I throw a heated glare his way. I straightened my dress and fixed my hair, Lucius was sitting in his chair staring at us with a smug grin and a raised eyebrow:

I stared at the floor with great interest avoiding his gaze.

"You are looking rather flushed Melody are you alright".

"Yes!". I blurted out a little to fast my voice sounded squeaky, I coughed "I'm perfectly fine Luc". I say with a smile.

He chuckles a little before scratching his chin "very well perhaps drink so water you'll". he paused rather dramatically "cool down".

I felt my face heat up even more Draco was biting his lip trying not to burst out laughing. I took my seat next to him and took a sip of my water, we waited for my father and Cissa to take a seat. I picked up a fork and dug into my poached egg, I dipped my slice of toast into it and started munching happily.

Draco was staring at me with a smile, I smiled back before returning to my breakfast. I glanced at my father and Lucius who were in deep conversation about something.

Lucius cleared his throat shortly after gaining my attention.

"Melody, Draco"

"Yes?". We say simultaneously.

He looked uncomfortable but proceeded to talk. "The dark lord has requested your services this evening".

Draco tilted his head "services?".

Lucius nodded. "Yes"

"what does he want" I ask subconsciously twirling a strand of my chestnut hair around my finger.

Cissa chimed in. "He wants you to assist him in hunting down rogue death eaters".

"Rogue death eaters?". Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Yes he requires help 'rounding' them up you could say. All he wants is you to escort them to him and you all will be perfectly fine and the dark lord will be happy". Lucius states.

"Why us?"

He sighed. "It's a test of your loyalty".

"A test really that's absurd" Draco argues.

"The dark lord does not care Draco he merely wants his orders carried out no matter the cost" my father states with a raised eyebrow.

"What if we fail?". I ask quietly.

Father and Lucius stared at each other before nodding. Cissa glanced are way with a small smile before resting her head in her hands.

"Simple." Lucius said.

"You die." My father finishes.

The wind was cold and harsh. A thin layer of snow covered the ground that we walked on, I was grateful for the pair of pants Cissa had decided to pick up for me. My feet were cold from the snow despite me wearing black boots.

A chill ran down my spine causing me to pull my cloak closer.

"Are you cold love?"

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