Chapter 55

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Amanda and Daphne smile at me when I walk through the doors of the Slytherin common room. "Melody!". I'm pulled into a bear hug. "We've missed you". Daphne blurts out.

I reciprocate the hug. "I've missed you's too". I sit on the sofa with each of them on either side. "So what's new?". I causally ask.

Amanda shrugs. "Nothing really Christmas was uneventful" she looks up at me with a sad smile. "I'm sorry about you dad".

I try my best to return the smile. "Thank you"

She hugs me again. "I don't pity you i just love you like family"

"Amanda it's fine honestly" I giggle lightly.

Daphne clears her throat. "I'm here too you know" she punches Amanda's arm.

"That hurt!"

"I barely touched you" daphne sticks her tongue out. Amanda flicks her forehead.

"Child". I shake my head.

"So how are things with you and Draco" daphne changes the subject. I smile.

"Perfect. He's amazing"

She whines. "Why can't I find a man"

"Because you don't look" Amanda days with a 'duh tone'.

"I've raised my standards too high." She falls flat on the sofa. "After reading books I'll never find someone who'll ever be good enough"

I giggle. "Your life technically is story within a very large book "

She furrows her eyebrows. "Suppose you have a point"

"Well then you might find your Prince Charming"

She claps her hands. "You're right!". She squeals. "But they have to reach my standards"

"Obviously" I snort.

"So have you and Draco done 'the deed' yet" Amanda pushes.

I shake my head. "No we haven't"

"What!" she shouts.

I shrug. "Timing hasn't really been on our side the last few years"

She pouts. "I suppose but like that's a long time to be together and not done anything"

I scowl. "I love him. He loves me. I don't see how not sleeping together will change that."

She raises her hand. "Okay okay I'm just saying"

Daphne rolls her eyes. "Of course you've got time don't listen to her. she's just jealous of you"

Amanda flips her off. Making daphne gasp. "Wait til your mother hears of this!".

"You wouldn't" Amanda challenges.

"Oh I would" daphne raises an eyebrow.

"Fine I'm sorry" she grumbles out. Daphne folds her arms.

"Me and my council will take your apology under consideration" she turns her head.

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