Epilogue Part One

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The waves crashed up on to the beach, the sun shined brightly in the clear blue sky. It was breathtaking. It was peaceful for the first time in years, the screams from wizards and witches at war were silenced.

After myself and Draco left we ended up on a beach in Navagio in Greece.

"Have I told you how ravishing you look today?" I giggle staring up at the blonde haired fool, He was wearing black shorts and lose white T-shirt. I roll my eyes.

"Once or twice". Draco wraps his arm around me and squishes me into his chest.

"Well now I've said it again" he places a kiss on my lips. I lean into the tight embrace and stare at the clear blue ocean once again:

"I never thought we'd make it through". Draco chuckles. Before nodding, he rests his chin on my head. He merely stares into my eyes. "As long as we have each other we'll make it through everything together always"

"You promise" I hold out my pinky and he wraps his around mines.

"Melody I wouldn't have it any other way" he stand up and holds out his hand. "Come with me I want to show you something". I take his a hand and trail behind him.

"You're not taking me for a hike are you? You know I don't do well with exercising"

"Trust me love it'll be worth it" I huff out and try to keep up with him. We continue climbing until we reach the top of the cliff.

"I'm going to kill your ass later" I wheeze out. Standing up I take in my surroundings: Red rose petals scattered all over the floor: candles creating an path straight to the edge where draco was standing a little bit away from.

Draco's cheeky grin causes me to smile. He holds out my hand and I take it. He brings me over to edge and sits me on a swing on the tree with is decorated in fairy lights, I sit down.

"Draco what's going on?" I question with my eyebrows furrowed. He laughs. Before kissing my lips.

"Melody" I stare into his eyes so much love. My heart swells slightly. "I've known you my whole life. You've seen the good and the bad. You've been there for every birthday and Christmas. You've been there when no one else was"

He grabs my hand. "They say a person should have atleast one epic love and the truth is I only need one. I've loved from day one and I will continue to love your until I take my last breath. Melody Ophelia Robinson I cant imagine my life without you: which is why" he kneels down still holding my hand. "If you'll have me. I'll make you laugh everyday: I'll be there to wipe away your tears. I'll be there every step of the way no matter what life throws at us: will you marry me Melody?"

I sob and nod my head. "YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!" Jumping up I leap into his arms and kiss him. He laughs and Twirls me around.

"Melody Malfoy has a nice ring to it" I wipe my tears.

"I've never heard something so perfect" I grab his face a kiss him once again. Fireworks erupted in the sky. "I'm guessing that was you aswell" I sniff. He winks.

"What can I say. I'm a charmer" as he kisses me again.

"I'm so nervous" I fan myself with hands attempting to cool my face down.

"Melody dear relax" narcissa was perched on the cream chair smiling at me. I sigh.

"I can't. What if they mixed up the flowers? What if they forgot the cake? What if daphne and Amanda cancel!" I freak out and start hyperventilating. Giggles broke me out of my panic state.

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