Chapter 27

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It was Christmas Day. I was woke up early due to Draco being a big child and waking me up at a ridiculous time. We were all gathered round the fire. Father and Lucius were deep in conversation while Cissa was reading the paper.

My gift felt rather insignificant considering Draco got me a horse. His face still lit up with he unwrapped the newest broom which he had been begging for. Not to mention the snake band I have got for him to wear on his pinkie.

"Thank you love you're the best"

I sighed and leaned in "my gifts are nothing compared to yours Dray"

Draco pulled me close before placing a kiss upon my forehead "knowing you love me and are mine is the only thing that matters to me"

I giggled and kissed his cheek "so cheesy Malfoy" He filed his eyes and we sunk into comfortable silence once more.

A little while later me and Draco were waiting to get ready to go to the Yule ball. Cissa had taken me shopping for a dress which I was grateful for, I checked the clock before sighing.

"Alright I have to go get ready"

"If you need a had dear give me a call"

"I will Cissa thanks"

I climb up the stairs and enter the room. I enter the shower and begin my wash routine, I dry my hair and sit in my vanity. I put my hair in waves before clipping a piece up. My makeup was simple nothing extravagant, simple eyeshadow and red matte lipstick.

I walk over to the black zip up bag hanging up on my wardrobe. Unzipping it the dress falls out of the bag, it truly was a sight.

It was emerald green. Floor length, with a beaded bodice. The dress was the finest silk it was perfect. Hugged my curves in all the right places, I did a twirl before nodding my head.

"Draco's not gonna be able to keep his hands to himself" I mutter under my breath to myself. I shake my head and grab my clutch before placing my wand inside. I feel eclipse before opening the door and walking down the stairs.

"You look outstanding" Cissa clapped excitingly "doesn't she look wonderful!" She turned to the men who were both smiling at me. "Yes Narcissa my daughter truly is a beauty" I blush.

"thank you all"

There was a creaking sound coming from behind me. I turned and looked at the kitchen door Draco, once again in his suit his tie was also emerald green so he blended in with my dress, he was staring at me in awe.

"Love you look gorgeous" I smile at him.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I wink "I guess".The adults all chuckle and Draco fakes shock.

"Ouch that hurt" the clock chimes 8 and be and Draco step into the fire place. "See you soon" I wave goodbye before were sucked up into thin air.

We arrived in snapes office, Draco held out his hand for me and trying not to trip in my heels I exit the fire place.

"I'd much rather be In bed with food right now" i huffed. Draco chuckles at me and walks to the door and holds it open.

"Love if you were given the option you'd live In bed"

I shrug "who wouldn't?"

We link hands and make our way to the great hall we're the ball was being held. Students all dressed up in there finest clothing. The entrance smelt like millions of different perfumes.

"Oh For merlins sake" Draco muttered under his breath.

"What's the matter?" I questioned

"Pugface is heading right for us"

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