Chapter 16

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We were all huddled into the hall which had been transformed into a battle zone. Lockhart had decided the best way for students to learn defence against the dark arts was to duel with each other.Usually I would hate and disagree with Lockhart but this was actually a pretty good.

Lockhart clapped his hands "Gather round, Gather round, Does every body see me, Gather round" he nodded "excellent"

"In light of recent events Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club, to train you all up, in case you ever need to protect yourself, as I myself have done on countless occasions. For full details, see my published works."He took off his jacket and threw it to a bunch of girls.

"I'd like to introduce my teaching assistant Professor Snape" Professor Snape walked onto the stage looking completely depressed and un-enthusiastic "he has so supportingly agreed to take part in this demonstration. I don't want any of you youngsters to worry about him, you'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him"

most Slytherin students rolled their eyes at him, Snape and Lockhart walked up and bowed to each other. Before stepping back into positions.




"expelliarmus" a gold light shot through Snapes wand and Lockhart flew backwards and hit the floor with a bang.Everyone laughed while Lockhart tried to Recomposed himself and stands up and coughs while dusting himself off.

"Do you think he's alright?" Granger asks

"Who cares that was bloody brilliant" Weasley chimes in

"An excellent idea professor Snape to show them that professor but if you don't mind me saying it was pretty obvious what you were planning and if I had wanted to stop you it would've been to easy"

" perhaps if you weren't so prudent you would first teach the students how to block a clearly unfriendly spells"

"An excellent suggestion professor"

"Eh lets have a volunteer pair"

He looks into the crowd "potter and-"

"Weasleys wand causes devastation when he uses it might I suggest someone from my own house?"

Lockhart pauses and Snape shrugs "Malfoy"

Draco gulps and I squeeze his hand "you'll be fine" I whisper into his ear. Draco struts onto the table and faces potter

"Wands at the ready" Lockhart shouts

"Scared Potter" Draco taunts

"You wish Malfoy"

They turn and walk away from each other "on the count of three the point of this exercise is to disarm your opponent only disarm we don't want any accidents here"



Draco was the first to shout "Averta Statius" potter went flying backwards through the air causing Draco to smirk while Lockhart helped him up

"Rictusempra" Potter casts a spell sending Draco spinning backwards until he falls, which caused me to wince. Professor Snape picked Draco up and pushed him forward.

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