Chapter 12

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Slytherin Quidditch tryouts were today and to say I'm not nervous would be a massive lie. I felt like I was going to puke due to the butterflies in my stomach. I had opened fathers letter last night and it just stated that i was to be careful this year and stay away from Harry Potter.

I wrote back saying I will and I was trying out for Quidditch and mother was not to worry. I'm surprised I didn't receive a howler like Weasley did yesterday. Of mother telling me off and flying was not ladylike, but knowing father he had me covered.

Draco was standing beside me completely relaxed not worrying. Lucius has made a very generous donation to the Slytherin team.

The Nimbus 2001 broomstick for each member of the team. Lucius had got mine custom made so that my name would be engraved which was extremely sweet of him.

"Alright Malfoy you've been given position of team seeker"

"And you Robinson are new chaser if you want to demonstrate your skill you can but there no need as you both were the only two good second years"

I merely nod and try to maintain my excitement. When the team parts and it's just me and Draco. I place my broom against the wall and pull him into a hug.

"I can't believe I made the team Draco!"

He smiles at me "I knew you could do it Melody" My stomach did somersaults when he said that his unwavering fate in me always made me happy.

"Malfoy! Robinson! Let's go practice now!" We pull apart and I pick up my broom and follow the team across the yard.

"Where do you think you're going flint? I booked the field for gryffindor practice"

Flint had a smug grin on his face "I got permission from Professor Snape for Slytherin to practice due to the new chaser and seeker"

The gryffindors captain looked up "new chaser and seeker?"

The team Parted revealing an overly cocky Draco and me "that's not all that's new" Draco flashes his expensive brooms at the team as if he's taunting them

"really Malfoy you had to bribe your way into the team"

"No Weasley unlike your father mine can actually afford expensive things"

"Well at least the gryffindors got onto the team by pure skill and talent" Granger piped in

"Oh shut it Granger no one asked your opinion" I snap at her

"Well it's the truth"

"Zip it mudblood"

Granger gasped and Weasley grabbed his wand "eat slugs Malfoy" I easily deflected the spell causing it to back fire to him. Leaving Draco with a relived face.

Granger ran away leaving Potter glaring at us while trying to help Weasley who was not vomiting up slugs

"Nice job Robinson you too Malfoy you both belong on the team"

I nod at flint who gave me the recognition others would kill for however his word at zero effect on me. Grabbing Draco I pull him out of his daze and follow after the team who were already starting warm ups.

"You ok mel?"

I nod. "Yes I'm fine dray come on". Mounting my broom I zoom up and begin to whip around the field.

After many torturous hours later flint allowed the team to call it a day, I felt freezing cold and I'm pretty sure my broom was going to catch fire due to the amount of flying that had been done today.

Landing on the ground my legs are numb and I begin to wobble. I end in a free fall and close my eyes waiting for the impact that never comes. Peaking my eyes open I see Draco holding me up.

Stopping me mid fall "thanks for catching me Dray I guess I forgot how to work my legs there"

He laughs "it's okay mel I'll always catch you when you fall"

My heart flips and my cheeks blush red. Linking hands we both make our way back to the Slytherin common room to freshen up before dinner soon.

The hall was full of mummers and chitchat. I was far to tired to interact with people flints training had completely wiped out any energy I had in me.

I was sitting beside Draco trying to keep my eyes open, every once in a while I would subconsciously lean over to Draco but then I'd wake up an realise what I was doing.

But my head was running a blank. Giving up I rest my head slowly on Draco's shoulder he stiffens before relaxing again and continuing his conversation.

He slips he hand off the table and into my hand. I heard certain things due to the fact that I wasn't exactly asleep right now

Certain people cooing and awing, I'm guessing it was daphne and Amanda because no other
Slytherin would ever coo at anyone.

Dinner seemed to continue forever before yelling and screaming rang through out the hall. I bolted up right and wiped my eyes now fully alert.

Some first year had tripped over his robes causing most of the hall to laugh at his misery except me I was to tired I merely rolled my eyes before resuming my previous position.

Mr Lockhart was given a second to speak

"I look forward to teaching you all this year and would like to thank Dumbledore for this exceptional opportunity to teach and forward on my extensive knowledge and experiences"

I was now fully awake and scoffed rather loudly than I anticipated causing the whole hall to turn to me.

"Every thing okay Miss Robinson?" Snape looked at me with a raised eyebrow

I smiled sweetly "of course sir i simply can't wait for tomorrow" My voice dripping with sarcasm i detected a small smirk located on his face

"And may I ask why"

"Yes Miss Robinson we'd all like to know" Dumbledore chimes in

All eyes remained on me and Draco was snickering Beside me "because I once read a book on how to deal with moronic teachers and I finally get to put it to use"

The whole hall made a sound of approval and some of the teachers looked horrified while Snape clapped "we all appreciate your honesty Melody 10 points to Slytherin"

Dumbledore chuckles and I hear all the teachers laugh a little at the scene unfolding in front of them. Glancing back I see the golden trio staring at me amused from my interaction with the Professors. Yet I merely ignore them and continue to eat.

After I make my way to the common with Draco And get my well deserved beauty sleep it's been a long day.

Word count:1115

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