Chapter 11

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"Welcome back students to another year at Hogwarts! I would like to say a special welcome to our new first years and Mr Lockhart who will be joining the staff, before we can begin we have the sorting ceremony"

All the professors had mostly remained the same the only one different was Lockhart who stood out like an elf beside wizards. Don't get me wrong I like my house elves but Lockhart held a special place of hate in my heart.

I decided to zone out during the sorting ceremony looking around at the tables I seen that Potter and Weasley were still missing. I seen Snape notice this too as he zoned in on the table where granger was sitting.

After each first year was sorted everyone dig into our dinner the first years giggled cause most of the Slytherins to gag.

"Are you trying out for the Slytherin team this year Draco?"

He nods "yes I'm trying out for seeker are you trying out mel?"

I shrug "I'm not sure Dray mother wouldn't like it"

"Yes but your father would be and he was on the team so he could speak with your mother?"

"I suppose"

"Come on Melody you'd be a fantastic chaser" I smile at him and he gives me a look that makes my heart flutter, Eating my dessert which happened to be rhubarb crumble pie with a side of vanilla ice cream I noticed professor Snape had disappeared from the head table.

Shrugging I stand up and begin to walk to the Slytherin dorms all the new first years trailing behind the prefects like lost sheep, Whispering to each other.

"Well if it isn't little miss Robinson and lover boy Malfoy"

I smile at him sweetly "can I help you"

"Well I hope so stay out of trouble both of you this year"

"I've never gotten into trouble excuse you"

He snorts "things change melody" I stuck my stuck out rather childishly before grabbing Draco's hand and pulling him into the Slytherin common room.

"The cheek of him" I huff

Draco laughed at me and I rolled my eyes "you're cute when your mad" His eyes widen as he realises what he's just said his cheeks go a dark shade of red.

"You think I'm cute?"


"I can't believe the Draco Malfoy thinks I'm cute I'm rather flattered"

"Melody be quiet" I full on laugh at him "oh Draco you're so fun to tease"

I stood up and pecked his cheek "well I'm off to bed goodnight dray and for the record I think you're rather cute too"

"Goodnight mel" Draco shakes his head and smiled

Climbing into my queen size bed, I lay back and stare at the top of my large black canopy that compliments the green bed covers. Things at home had become intense for some unknown reason, Father And Lucius always seem to be whispering when they are together and it's an unsettling felling.

I've spoken to mother about it but she merely brushes me aside choosing to ignore my plea for some well deserved answers. Closing my eyes I tune the rest of the world and quickly fall into a deep slumber

"Melody do stop being lazy and come on I'm hungry !"

I groan rather unladylike and cover my face with my pillow "5 more minutes" I mumble out

"No! Get up this instant or I'm telling Malfoy about you're Undying love for him"

I sat up "I do not love Draco"

Both girls burst into hysterics I rolled my eyes and grabbed my towel and made my way to the bathroom washing myself quickly, I race into the room and change into my school uniform before throwing my hair into a bun.

I grab my bag and wand and exit the room

"Melody come on talk to us"

"Yea you know we were only teasing" Amanda pleaded

"We won't say anything until you're both ready" daphne chimes in again

I turn and face them and puff my cheeks out "fine"

"Yay!" They squeal and pull me into a hug

I hear a not so subtle cough "what on earth are you three doing?"

There is a saying I believe 'speak of the devil and he shall appear' but in this case say Draco's name and He magically appears out of no where

"Good morning dray and nothing why?"

"Just wondering come on let's go get food I'm famished"

I laugh at him "when are never not hungry"

Walking into the hall I see Potter and Weasley sitting at the Gryffindor table looking gloomy. Poking Draco I point to the table

"I guess Potter and Weasley weren't expelled after all?"

Draco sighs Dramatically "I would've hoped Dumbledore realised his mistake in letting those two enter the school" I shrug and bite into my toast

Hoots rang through out the hall many owls dropped letters to each student I received one from home the penmanship led me to believe father wrote it

Weasley receives a howler "look Weasley got himself a howler" some gryffindork exclaims

Draco nudges me smiling like a manic, Weasley goes noticeably paler as he begins to open the letter. The whole hall is completely silent

"RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR. I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOU'RE FATHER IS NOW FACING AN ENQUIRE AT WORK AND ITS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT IF LINE WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" The howler went quiet for a moment before turning to his younger sister "oh and ginny dear well done on making gryffindor your father and I are so proud" The howler stuck it's 'tongue' out at Weasley before it shredded into millions of pieces.

The hall was silent before some of the Slytherins broke out laughing causing many nasty glares from the gryffindorks.

"Nice going Weasley" Draco states before laughing like a hyena

The bells chime notifying students to make there was to class. I clutch the letter my father had wrote and placed it in my satchel, Draco grabs my hand and pulls me up so I'm now standing.

"You ready?"

I nod "yes"

We exit the hall and make our way to the first class of the new semester. But curiosity as to why father wrote to me filled my mind rather than my studies.

Word count: 1059

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