Chapter 42

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The train ride to school was uneventful and rather boring by the time I reached the platform I was utterly exhausted. My mood dropped almost instantly once I returned to Hogwarts. The place I once considered my sanctuary was now a constant reminder my life is never going to be what is once was.

In exactly one month the school year would be up, which meant my life as a death eater would officially come into full swing this summer, especially with voldie making his come back shortly.

I was currently roaming the halls that were bare, other students in their dorms sleeping, technically I was breaking rules by being out this late but since I was in dumbridges 'group'. I would just use that as my excuse.

Waking over to a little bench, I plopped myself down and stared out at the forest. The sky bright with stars gleaming, the moon full.

Eclipse swooped down landing in my shoulder, I brush her feathers with my fingers. She cooed softly before shutting her eyes, I smile lovingly towards her.

"You know it's against school rules to be out this late ms Robinson" the hushed voice made me jump a little. Turning I see Snape standing there in his usual cloak.

"Sir you startled me"

He raises an eyebrow and chuckles, walking up he sits down next to me. Eclipse sense the intrusion and flys off.

"Would you care to explain why you're out this late?"

My shoulders slump and I sigh. "I guess I've the dark lord to thank for that. Lately I can't really sleep". He nods his head knowingly. "The guilt is there, their faces keep me awake which sounds pathetic I know"

Snape places a hand on my shoulder. "It's not pathetic you've been through something no person should ever have to go through". I look up at him. "You're mother would be proud of how strong you've become".

My eyes glisten with unshed tears caught up in the spur of the moment, I hug him. He tended before reciprocating the hug.

"Thank you sir" I say before pulling away.

"It's alright now off to bed before a less understanding year head questions you" i laugh.

"Of course goodnight"

"Goodnight Melody"

"Now I want everyone to study for the upcoming tests anything under an exceptional will not be tolerated and said person will revive extra work for over summer understood"

"Yes professor" a choir of zombie like student spoke back, I subtly rolled my eyes. Dolores has been getting worse with each week that passed.

"Good dismissed" grabbing my bag I make my way to the door.

"Melody!" "Melody!". I turn to see Blaise racing to catch up with me. I raise an eyebrow and glare.

"What do you want Zabini"

He was gasping for air, he holds up his hand asking me to give him a moment to catch his breath. I fold my arms and stare at him. He composes himself before standing up straight and looking at me.

"Listen Melody I want to apologise" I scoff but let him continue. "What I said was completely unfair and judgemental, I had no right to say those things you're a kind person and didn't deserve the hate I dumped on you" he sighed "I know it's a lot to ask but it would mean a lot if we could be friends again? I know it'll never be the same but can we at least try?"

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