Chapter 50

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I sat on the closed box staring at the necklace. We had preformed spells, enchantments and even made potions to curse it. The only problem being we had no clear way to test out if it actually worked:

"we could leave it out and let someone else touch it?"

I shook my head before sighing. "If we do that the teacher and student will go on high alert and our plan will fall apart"

"We're going to have to use an animal" his voice clear. Hairs on my arms stuck up and although I had killed a human the thought of killing an animal was inhuman.

"No there has to be another way" shaking my head.

"There isn't love without everyone finding out"

My shoulders slump. "This isn't right Draco I'm not this person who goes around killing everything" I pace back and forth.

Grabbing my arm he pulls me close. "I know but for the month we do what we need to survive okay"


"To survive Melody"

I nod. "T-To survive"

Placing a rough kiss on my forehead he disappears out of my sight to get the unknowing victim. Grabbing my wand I walk outside and plop down on a bench. The breeze cool against my flushed skin, I fiddle my hands on my lap nervously.

"You seemed flushed Mel are you alright" glance up I see daphne with a book in her hand. It's old I can tell my the worn down cover.

I smile up at her "of course I'm fine"

Concern etched on her face "you don't seem it"

My shoulders drop "I'm just stressed that all daph don't worry"

She chuckles softly "I always worry"

"Where's Mandy?"

She rolled her eyes "with Theo ever since the Slytherin party their joined at the hip"

I laugh at her disgusted face "it's cute"

"It's gross"

I shove her "so me and Draco are gross"

"Yes you two are always sucking the face off each other"

I gasp before shoving her again "we do not!". My cheeks flush red once again and I shake my head. She arms wrap around me.

"I'm just messing you two are epic together"

"Yea yea" I roll my eyes

"But it's going to be a massive fight between me and Amanda to see who's going to be maid of honour"

I giggle "thinking a bit far a head"

She shakes her head "no its true you have a love most girls would kill for literally" she pauses and stares up at the bird that landed on the statue. "Draco would do anything for you"

I sigh "I know I'm lucky". She giggles.

"Yes you are"

I look at her "what about you any man" playfully I push her shoulder. She shakes her head.

"No way I'm single and I'm completely happy with that." Nodding I open my water and take a sip. "Plus I'll become the cool aunt when you both are pregnant"

I choked on the water and began to gasp for air while she laughs at me.

"Oh merlin you should've seen your face priceless" she slaps her knee. I glare up at her.

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