Chapter 23

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Potter was tormented for days. I did feel a tad bit sorry for him, which made me scrunch my nose up in disgust. Today a reporter of the daily prophet was coming Rita skeeter. Terrible woman wouldn't leave me be after mothers death constantly snooping.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear, she enters in a puff of smoke. She's well groomed and dressed colourfully

Gag never heard of black?

"Ah Miss Robinson! lovely to see you! Hows the family? Your father? What about you? Anything new" I stepped back into Draco "oh is this the boyfriend!" draco's cheeks turned a little rosey. I huffed in annoyance.

"Please mind your own business Ms.skeeter"

"But you didn't deny it! Oh I do adore a good love story!" her magic quill began to write ridiculously fast

"Oh For merlins sake I don't see how it's any of your business!"

"Mel calm down"a puff of light surrounded me that got just took my picture "HEY I didn't give you permission to take my picture!"Before I could say anything else she ran over to the champions

"That woman is without a doubt mental!"

Draco laughed "did I ever tell you, you're simply adorable when you're mad"

I roll my eyes "yes once or twice and I'm no adorable I'm deadly when I'm angry"

"What a charismatic quartet. Hello!"

The four tri-wizard champions are stood together in a group.She walks over to them and shakes each of their hands.

"I'm Rita skeeter, I write for the daily
prophet. But of course you know that
don't you. It's you we don't know, you're
the news. What quirks lurk beneath those
rosy cheeks? what mysteries do the muscles
mask? does courage lie beneath those
curls? In short, what makes a champion
tick. Me, myself and I want to know.
Not to mention my rabid readers. So,
who's feeling up to sharing? Mmm? Shall
we start with the youngest. Lovely"

Potter looks distressed. I snort "I wish him the best of luck trying to deal with her"

"Lunch?" I smile "you read my mind"

"Looks like weasely and potter are having a lovers quarrel" daphne pointed to the Gryffindorks

"Granger has been like an owl all day delivering messages back and forth" Amanda giggles

I pick up the daily prophet and begin to read headline reads "THE CHAMPIONS
ARE SELECTED" and reads.

Harry Potter aged 12, suspect
entrant in the tri-wizard tournament.
His eyes swimming with the ghosts of

Slamming it down I refuse to read the rest "I can't even read the paper with out him being on it For merlins sake"

Amanda giggles "well he is the boy who lives"

"He'll be the boy who died soon enough"

"So what's the story with you and lover boy?" I looked at daphne

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb you too kiss three times basically confessed your love for each other and still nothing"

I raise an eyebrow "i dunno I'm going on a date later this evening actually but I'm freaking out what if this goes wrong and ruins are friendship!" I feel her place a hand on my shoulder "Melody there's always a risk but you too love each other is that not work the risk?"

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