Chapter 36

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Word had gotten out about Professor Umbridges new group of 'Snitches' or that's what we were now known as the 'Slytherin Snitches'.

I will give it to the person who made up the name, it was rather creative and if I wasn't In fact the leader of this ridiculous organisation I would be rather impressed and praise the person.

Students separated as I walked down the corridor, heels clicking in the stone pavement as I made my way to potions class. My heavy bag that was hanging off my shoulder made me feel as if I was hauling a weight around.

I walked into the class and took my usual, seat dropping the bag in the floor and sighing at the relief my shoulder was now feeling. I was tired, the dark bags were covered by concealer in effort to help hide them.

I laid my head in my hands and closed my eyes for a moment. A person who I presumed was Draco sat down next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay love?"

I look up in his beautiful grey eyes and merely nod too tired to force a smile, I place my head back down.

"Love I know it isn't my place to tell you what you can and can't do but maybe this group isn't the best thing for you? You look exhausted Melody" he says worry etched on his face.

I once again lift my head up and take his hand and give it a reassuring smile.

"I know dray I don't want to be part of this group but dumbridge has made it quite clear that she wasn't me to take he lead on this and I'm tired because of other things as well" I say with a sigh.

His eyebrows furrow together "like what?".I rest my head in his shoulder and he relaxes under my touch.

"Like assignments and test and class and you know who"

His eyebrows shot up at the last part "what about you know who". I shrug "Melody talk to me what about him"

"I-I'm just worried is all you know me I'm over thinking again and I can't stop and I'm having these awful dreams which usually leaves me unable to sleep at night" i sick in a deep breath "sorry I probably sound like a whiny baby"

He chuckles and shakes his head. Before kissing my forehead affectionately "you love are anything but whiny, it's okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes. You should've said something instead of bottling it up"

"It's me Draco it's what I do"

He shakes his head "not always love" he takes my hand and looks into my eyes "promise me if something like that happens again you'll come to me? I'm always her love"

I smile "ok" I say quietly

"Sorry what was that I didn't hear?" He pretends and puts his hand behind his ear. I roll my eyes.

"I said ok" he smiles and kisses me softly.

The door swims open and Snape clears his throat and stare at Draco and I.

"Well if Malfoy and Robinson are finishes declaring their love for one and other. I can begin my lesson that's only if you's are done?" He questioned with his eyebrow raised.

I smiled sweetly "of course sir you can continue with your lesson" his lip quirks a little before huffing and scribbling on the board a couple of Slytherins chuckle before the class goes quiet.

I turn to Draco to see he's already smiling at me. I wink before pulling open my book and grabbing my quill and coping the chalkboard.

"I'm telling you guys potters been up to something lately" I look up at Blaise.

"What makes you say that" I ask

He shrugs "just a hunch"

"A hunch" I say with a raised eyebrow.

He rolls his eyes "Yes a hunch Melody"

"Well unless you get prove of him up to something I can't and refuse to help you so good luck" I say before returning to my book.

He scoffs "typical" he murmured.

I looked up again "do you have a problem or something?" I question.

"No" he pauses "actually you know what Yes yes I do have a problem"

I slam my book shut and turn and glare at him "well hurry the fuck on we haven't got all day" I say sassily.

"I just think it's funny that if Draco, Daphne or Amanda were to come In here and say something like that to you, you'd be up and gone within seconds to help them yet I say it and I'm dismissed"

I rolled my eyes and stared at him "stop being so damn dramatic I'd tell them the same thing I told you"

"You would ya" he says sarcastically.

I glare at him "oh grow up Blaise you're not a child anymore" I spit out

"Neither are you you're just a filthy death eater! You're mother would be disgusted" He growls. His eyes grow wide as he realised whet he just said, his mouth closed "M-Melody I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I swear" I stood up and grab my book and glare at him.

"When he calls upon you and you're family and he will" I pause his eyes show fear "I will watch as he burns your flesh with his mark, I will watch a you scream and cry in pain. Calling out to anyone to help, begging him to stop and do you know what I will do zabini ?" I say with a snarl. He doesn't reply. "Well do you!"

He shakes his head "I will laugh In your face and when his mark his on your left forearm, you will feel the pain that has been inflected by him. And when someone calls you nothing but a filthy death eater or worse something happens to your family members you will think back to this moment and I hope the one thing that you will feel is regret and sorrow because you just lost a friend that would've stood with you through anything even the darkest of times but you know what you're on you're own. I'm done" I turn and walk out and up to my dorm. Slamming the door shut I scare eclipse and she flies around the room.

I whistle and she lands in my shoulder. I rub her head affectionately "sorry for scaring you" I give her a treat and pull out the letter I received from you know who.

He wished for all his death eaters to be present this evening at 8 o'clock, there was in fact going to be a choosing of new members for this summer.

I thought it was quite funny if I'm being honest. The dark lord had asked for only members of pure blood Families to bring there children forward for the cause.

Glancing at my clock it was only 4:04pm, so there was loads of time to get ready. But instead of moving I sat on my window ledge staring out at the water and thought about Blaise's hurt words from earlier.

Your mother would be disgusted

That one hurt the most it was as if someone had preformed the Cruciatus curse on me repeatedly until my heart was shatter and my body was cut in pieces.

I sigh and lay down on the seat. I close my eyes which flutter shut slowly, the sound of the water hitting off the rocks soothes me and I eventually fall in a dark dreamless sleep.

Word count:1268

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