Chapter 41

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The dark lord apparated the moment I ushered the words. I stood still watching as my victim tumbled to the floor her body lifeless. Her husband lay next to her cradling her head.

It was clear he was hysterical. I dropped my wand and looked at my hands, they were red from holding the wand so tight. I felt nothing.

A hand was placed upon my shoulder. I seized up I knew who it was already, Draco.

"Love?". His voice was soft barely above a whisper but I couldn't speak my voice was gone. What would I even say?

I didn't feel like the same person anymore I was now a murderer and now that I've killed once, the dark lord would expect me to do it again and again without hesitation.

"Draco" Cissa spoke quietly "please take her upstairs to your room"

He pulled me close and walked me up to his room. Draco opened the door and I entered the room and walked to the bed and sat down.

My eyes never met his, I couldn't bare to see the disappointment his eyes held.

"Love look at me" I refused to move. "Melody please"

He placed two fingers underneath my chin tilting my head up. Tears filled my eyes. They threatened to spill, his fingers soft under my jaw.

"Talk to me"

A sob escaped me I slapped a hand over my mouth. He engulfed me into a bone crushing hug.

"Shh it's okay I have you"

"I-I'm a monster!" I cry.

"You're not a monster love" he whispers, a small kiss is placed on the side of my head.

"I killed some Draco, not torture, kill".

He grips my chin and looks into my eyes. His grey eyes full of concern and worry. He smashes his lips on mine, He pulls apart slowly.

"You haven't changed, you're still the same person. It wasn't your decision to kill her you"

I suck in a deep breath "it wasn't but I still had a choice"

"it was either you or her"

I didn't reply instead I laid down and stared at the curtains. Draco laid down next to me and pulled me closer to his chest. My eyes began to get droopy.

"I love you Draco" I whispered out.

He kissed my neck. "I love you too melody more than words can describe". I fell asleep with a small smile on my face.

The sunlight shone filling the cold room with a warm light. I haven't moved since yesterday evening, images of the woman collapsing. Guilt washed over me, It was like an imaginary is weight pulling me down.

Although Draco's words comforted me it didn't help erase the guilt. I sat up and wiped my hair out of my face. Climbing out of bed I trudged to the bathroom and stared at the mirror,

After I washed myself I pulled the towel close to my body. I opened the door and made my way into the room to see Draco day on the bed with his head in between his hands.

He looked up and stared at me. His eyes travel up and down my body which is barely covered by the towel.

I cleared my throat, his eyes immediately snap to my eyes.

"Hi" I whisper.

"Hey love how are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess" I shrug.

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