Chapter 8

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Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

Year two

I'm currently preparing for mother's Annual end of summer ball, I am absolutely dreading it. I owled Draco last night but he never replied so I'm unsure if he's attending, I hope he does he'll make this who event rather enjoyable

According to mother we've been spending a lot of time together which lead to the dreaded talk. It was horrendous I told her there was absolutely no need for it but she refused to listen but instead told me it was either her or father

Obviously I picked my mother

After a tortuous hour I fled the room a rather deep shade of pink with unspeakable images in my head. Draco also informed me that his parents also gave him the talk

Putting on my emerald green dress I matched it with my black pump flats, twirling in my dress I approve of my outfit I dry my hair with a simple charm before straightening it and placing my black headband in my hair

My necklace Draco gave me sitting perfectly on my neck I haven't removed it since he gave me it, Exiting my room I make my way down the stairs to the hall with was glistening

Mother had went all out the dinning room was open millions of different foods scattered all over the table mother used a spell to open the room make it larger

Entering the event room mother had arranged for a band to come play the elf's where still shining the floor

"Melody sweetheart you look gorgeous" I spin and see my father rushing out I hug him

"Thank you father you look rather dashing"

"Thank you I'm trying to impress a certain lady" he winks at me

"I'm sure she'll be pleased" I giggle

"Well I hope this certain lady can put up with your incessant snoring" mother stood near the door on a floor length black gown her hair pinned perfectly matching with some of her best jewellery

Father smiled "well she's put up with me for all these years I'm sure she can manage"

Father walks over to mother and pecks her lips "darling you look radiant"

"Oh hush you charmer"

I loved my parents relationship it didn't matter hold long they had been together they still acted like love struck teenagers, it was something I strived for in live to find the love of my life

There was a loud knock on the door

"Melody dear could you get that"

"Of course mother" Skipping to the door I open it, standing in all there glory was the Malfoy Narcissa and Lucius dressed In There usual black dressy attire And Draco dressed in his suit Was there anything he couldn't pull off?

"Good evening Cissa and Lucius" I smiled politely I turned to Draco and waved "hi dray"

He blushed "Hey Mel"

"Melody darling you look beautiful, what do you like Draco"

"Yes she does look beautiful mother" I blush

Snapping out of my daze I stand aside "do come in"

Lucius smiles and pats my shoulder upon entering he hands his coat the Lu-Lu and makes his way the room with mother and father with Cissa beside him

"How've you been mel" Draco asks I smile

"It's been rather boring without you dray"

I pull him Into a hug which he reciprocates, pulling apart he looks at my necklace

"You still wear it"

I nod enthusiastically "Always I never take it off"

"That's good" he gives me a toothy grin before holding out his hand "shall we join the adults and start this depressing evening"

I smile "of course"

Walking into the room with both my parents and the Malfoy's they looked deep in conversation, when we entered they smiled at us, Draco didn't remove his hand from mine but instead squeezed it harder

Within the next half hour almost all the guest it turns out mother had invited the Parkinson

"Oh look it's pug-face"

"Ignore her Mel i do it the whole time"

I sighed "I don't like her"

"I know how about a dance to take your mind off things"

I fake gasped "the great Draco Malfoy asking me? To dance"

He smirks "only the best for a Malfoy"

"So I'm the best?"

"Was there every any doubt melody" I blush and take his hand the song begins and Draco places his hand on my waist. We sway to the music and I lean my head on Draco's chest listening to his heartbeat

I feel thousands of eyes stare at us intensely but I close my eyes and just dance, Eventually the song ends and Draco leads me over to the table with the drinks I grab some of the punch which is none alcoholic

I rub my eye a little and Draco perks up "are tired mel?"

I look at the clock it was 1:30 am, I nod "just a little dray"

He nods "I'll ask you're parents to excuse you in a few moments"

I giggle at him "you're so sweet to me"

He furrows his eyebrows at me "what do you mean"

"In school you're a completely different person to other people"

"But I'm always the same to you aren't I"

I nod "always which makes me happy"

"Well I'm glad" his cheeks go a little bit red, after 15 minutes of small talk i decided it was best to go to bed. Draco told my parents and they excused me.

I struggled to keep my eyes open before I slumped onto the chair and succumb to darkness, I felt myself being lifted up by a familiar scent, I heard 'cooing' and 'awing' all around me yet I didn't have the strength to open my eyes I was placed on my bed

I felt a tingle rush through me body mother probably performed an outfit change so I was in my pjs, I then felt a source of heat behind me causing me to flip and bury my head in deeper

I heard a sigh

"Goodnight mel" I felt a kiss on my forehead before I drifted off into complete darkness

Word count:1030

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