Chapter 1

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Harry Potter and the philosophers stone

Year one

Sitting around the table I enjoy breakfast with mother and father. There always was different varieties of fruits and pastries every morning, we always sat together every morning. It was something mother insisted on everyday.

The house elf's cleared our plates and disappeared into the kitchen as quick as he entered.

The Robinsons were seen as a strong wealthy wizard family with good connections to every pure blood wizard and witch, My father believed in pure blood superiority much like the Malfoys.

Mother was never really bothered much by that but she decided to follow my fathers beliefs out of love so clearly I would follow after them due to them being my parents and role models.

Lu-Lu the head house elf enter the dinning hall quickly "Mistress Melody you have received a letter Lu-Lu was told to deliver letter quickly"

I gave the elf a quick nod before uttering a brief 'thank you'

Looking at my letter I see the perfect penmen-ship on the envelope along with a very distinctive stamp, I knew what this was but I was far to nervous to open it.

What if I didn't get in?

"Melody, darling are you alright?"

I look up into my mother emerald green eyes, I inherited my long mid-back chocolate brown hair from her while I got my ocean blue eyes from my father.

"Yes mother, I'm fine" shakily I begin to open the letter

Dear Miss.Robinson

It is with great pleasure that I get to inform you have been excepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

School will start September 1st

All staff and student look forward to the arrival of new first year student, please enjoy the rest of your summer holidays.

Kind regards

-Albus Dumbledore

I jump up out of my chair and squeal "Mother! Father! I've been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Can you believe it!"

Father chuckles at my behaviour "darling was there ever any doubt you wouldn't be accepted"

My mother nods her head in agreement "your fathers right you know"

I face begins to hurt from smiling so much "oh mother can we please go to the Malfoy's today! I must tell Draco the news"

My mother looks at my father before he nods "very well but you must go change and freshen up"

I nod eagerly "of course mother" I jumped up and raced up stairs to change, Both my parents to laugh at my antics.

Stepping out of the fire place I'm pulled into a hug by Narcissa "oh dear how you've grown". I grin up at her. The Malfoy's basically treated me like a daughter. "but Cissa you seen me 3 days ago"

"But you grown so much since then oh Draco is going to be thrilled you're here he misses you terribly" My cheeks heat up a little.

I turn to Lucius who is staring at me intensely "melody how lovely to see you again" he pulls me into a hug "it's lovely to see you to Mr.Malfoy"

He releases a chuckles "Melody how many times must I tell you, you may call me Lucius" I nod my head "sorry Mr- I mean Lucius"

The adults begin to engage in a conversation while I wait for Draco to arrive, suddenly I hear footsteps rush down the stairs. I  grin and watch my best friend sprint down the stairs.

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