Chapter 4

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I awoke from my rather peaceful sleep due to midnight constantly pecking my cheek, my eyes flutter up and I sit up in her mouth she holds a letter with mother's handwriting

Grabbing the letter I let midnight before be Lands on her designated branch

Dear Melody

Congratulations darling on being placed in Slytherin your father and I are so pleased with you

Narcissa and Lucius are sending their love and best wishes to you, they would also love if you could write to them sometimes aswell

I'm happy Draco got placed into the same house as you such a lovely boy, as for Harry potter don't take it to heart. The boy doesn't understand blood statues and other things dear, he will come around eventually

Enjoy school my darling and behave



Climbing out of bed I feed midnight before placing my completed homework into my satchel, I think begin to get ready I place my hair in a messy bun

And put on my uniform before grabbing my belongings and exiting the dorm, I see Draco sitting talking to the boys and I smile at least he's making friends

"Morning everyone"

"Morning Melody"

"Morning Mel"

I smile and exiting the Slytherin common room before making my was to the hall for breakfast I grab a simple croissant and a green apple

Draco just eats his apple as usual

He's got an obsession with apples if I'm being honest

"The thought of defensive against the dark arts" I furrow my eyebrows together at Draco

"I thought you were looking forward to it"

"I was until they got a stuttering fool to be the professor"

"Stuttering fool?"

He nods "yes his name is professor Quirrell and he is unable to produce a simple sentence without stuttering"

I laugh at him "unfortunately there's nothing you can do dray"

Draco sighed grumpily and bit into his able "I'll hex him into oblivion" he mutters


I laugh to myself before finishing my breakfast, I grab Draco's hand and drag him to class

Draco was asleep we were 15 minutes into class so far and he didn't even last, professor quirrell was infuriating what Draco had said was right he was unable to produce a single sentence

I almost felt sorry for him students were snickering and laughing amongst themselves, I was tempted to get up and teach the lesson myself

But I refrained and tries to take in some information which was difficult, on another Note the granger was becoming increasingly annoying

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