Chapter 54

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Shakily I walk forward and Lower my head. "You summoned me, my lord". His face twisted up into a nasty smile. He points to the chair.

"Yes" he stops and picks up his wand. "I have news."

I nibble my lip and nod. "Of course"

"Your father is dead". His spits out as if it's just some average piece of information, I should have expected. "But it is expected. Considering he was a pathetic wizard." He sighs. "Yet my numbers have now dropped because of his incompetence".

My father. My only family. Dead.

Tears brim in my eyes. But I refuse to give him what he wants. To see me break.

"A shame we lost a valuable death eater. I'm sorry for your loss sir". I stare him directly in the eyes.

He nods. "Dismissed"

Standing I bow to him before exiting. Once the door was closed I broke into a spirt out to the stables where Draco was.

"DRACO!" I sob out. Tears streaming down my face. "He's gone! Draco he's gone!".

Draco belts over from the stall to my side. He pulls me into a tight embrace and holds me close.

"Shh Love. Who?" He whispers.

"M-My father" Another sob breaks out. His eyes soften and he holds me tighter.

"I've got you" He cradles me. "I'm so sorry love  so sorry" he places kisses on my head. I continue to cry into his shirt.

"I've no family left".

He pulls my face up and I look into his stormy grey eyes. "You have me. You'll always have me". I cling to him and pull him closer. "It's going to be okay love". He picks me up effortlessly and carries me back to the manor.

He places me on his bed and lays next to me. Holding me silently. "I want to kill him". I whisper out.

"Who love?" The confusion clear in his voice.

"Voldemort" I spit out harshly. I felt him tense behind me, his hold tighter.

"I know your devastated about your father" he whispers. "But I know you Melody don't do anything rash. I can't lose you".

"He smiled when he said he was dead." I glare at the wall. "Said he was a pathetic wizard and his incompetence made his numbers drop".

He sighs. "We already knew who he was love. We're clearly a means to an end. We're here to serve and give him what he wants." He stops. "Or die trying"

"STUPID WARDROBE!" I scream. Throwing a glass vase at the nearest wall. I huff and pick up the book I was going through. Nothing I've been back a month and the wardrobe is testing my patience.

My fathers funeral had come and gone. Filled with many empty apologises from death eater who had accompanied him on his mission. Old friends who were forced or threatened to come.

It isn't what my father would've wanted. He was an honourable hard working man. He didn't deserve such a terrible funeral. Filled with people who don't care for him.

I may have been a bit melodramatic and tortured the man who let the front of my fathers coffin causing it to tilt forward.

No one stopped me. I had a right. I was grieving and I'd be damned if someone threatened to ruin the final time I'd say goodbye to my father. Death eater feared me more since then.

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