Chapter 28

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The rest of our holidays went rather quickly  before me and Draco knew it we were back at hogwarts and the champions were preparing for the second task.

Potter had become a bit of a pain, he always seemed to magically appear beside me. Draco too had noticed and was beginning to get extremely annoyed. Part of me knew potter had a tiny crush on me.

But realistically I have no idea where's he's getting the idea we could ever be an item its completely beyond me.

I'm basically the Slytherin Princess and I'm in love with Draco. Yet he still refuses to let it go.

"And that's why I couldn't come to the Malfoy's Christmas party"

I blink "sorry what"

"You weren't even listening you can't even go two minutes without thinking about blondie" Amanda wails

I roll my eyes "for your information I wasn't thinking about Draco I was thinking of a way to get potter to leave me alone"

"Merlins sake that boy still likes you"

"What do you mean still it's only recently"

she burst out laughing "you're joking right"

"No no I'm not"

"In the name of merlin Melody potters likes you since first year"

"First year! What"

She nods "yea he used to always stare and make eyes at you it was so obvious"

I frown and groan "of course it was to everyone but me!" I face palm myself

"There there Melody I'm sure it must be hard to have the unwavering love and devotion from the entire male population" I look up and glare at her. Daphne giggles at us before she gets up and grabs her book.

I walk out of the room and head to the common room where Draco was sitting taking to Theo.

"Hi boys" I sit next to Draco and he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closely "Hi love"

"What were you both taking about"

"The next task for the champions" Theo says with a smile to which I return.

"I wonder who will win" I say think out loud

"Krum most likely" Draco says with a shrug. I nod in agreement.

Today was the day of the second task the champions stood in front of the lake. No one understood why but everyone was waiting in anticipation for the task to begin.

Dumbledore spook through the spreader his voice ringing loudly "Welcome to the
second task. Last night something was
stolen from each of our champions. A
treasure of sorts. These four treasures,
one for each champion, now lie on the
bottom of the black lake. In order to
win each champion need only find their
treasure and return to the surface.
Simple enough. Except for this, they
will have one hour to do so and one
hour only. After that they'll be on
their own."

Mad eye gave Harry something before potter puts the object in his mouth and starts choking.

"You may begin at the start of the cannon." Dumbledore declares

The cannon fires and the champions enter the water, three of them dive in while Harry is pushed. Underwater the effects of
gilliweed take hold, Harry's hands and feet become webbed.

Some Gryffindorks whisper amongst themselves they look clearly worried

Suddenly potter flies into the air like a dolphin and the crowd cheer.

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