Chapter 24

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"Draco come on the bags are not that heavy" in fairness I had got two bags full of different types of sweets and snacks. But they served a great purpose providing me Happiness.

We enter the common room and Draco plopped on the sofa "I'm exhausted mel". I giggle at him "no you're unfit"

"Hey" He yelled defensively "have you seen all this" he gestured to himself. I raised an eyebrow "No and I'd rather keep it that way thank you very much"

I flicked my wand and the bags floated "why didn't you do that earlier!"

"Because it was funny watching yours struggle while trying to act all manly" he rolled his eyes at me and ignored me "Draco"I poked his cheek he kept a blank face "dray".

"DRACO GIVE ME ATTENTION!" Still nothing I sit beside him and wrapped my arms around his neck "I love you?". His face broke out into a small smile "I knew you couldn't resist My charm"


"Yes" I bat my eyelashes

"Be my girlfriend?"

I stare at him "do you not think it's a b-bit soon?" He shook his head and grabbed my hand. "I've been in love with you for years Melody what's the point in waiting any longer I know everything about you" i lift an eyebrow
"I doubt that"

"Oh really" he chuckles "you love gummy worms more than life it's self. You absolutely detest mornings along with most preppy girls.You're favourite colour is green and black. you are unbelievably sarcastic and sassy 95.5% of the time . You are an extreme overachiever and You always need to be organised and have everything ready the day before or you have a melt down. You are terrified of spiders even if there small. At the age of 5 you fell of your swing and fractured you arm in two, you refused to see me incase I laughed. You've always wants a black stallion but your mother never approved of you riding " I stare at him and don't say anything "should I go on?"

I shook my head "okay you know me congratulations" he laughed and looks at me with those beautiful grey eyes "take the leap give me a chance mel I won't hurt you"

I sighed and nodded "okay dray I'll be your girlfriend" he smiled and picked me up spinning me around. I burst out laughing and kissed those plush lips.

There silence as we stare at each other for a brief moment before cheers break through the common room. I look over to see Amanda, Daphne and a bunch of others clapping at us. I blush red and glare at my friends.

"FINALLY MY SHIP IS HAPPENING!" Amanda fans herself down dramatically before fall onto daphne who's trying to hold her up.

"Amanda you are without a doubt the most melodramatic person I have every met you have half of Slytherin here!"

She shrugs "it was all for a good cause melbell don't fret you'll get stress lines" first years laughed at her but I ignored her and walked to Draco

"I'm mortified" I face palmed myself, he pulls me close "what are you doing"

"Showing off my girl"

"Such a charmer Malfoy" I tease playfully,

"just for you Robinson"

The triwizarding tournament was about to begin. Word had got out around the school that the first task was dragons. I always loved dragons but to actually deal with one was a different story.

"I bet potter won't last 5 minutes" Draco chuckles.

I peck his cheek and lean close "I give him 3"

Draco laughs to himself "you're something else" I shrug "nah I'm just a Slytherin with a bitchy attitude"

The horn blew and the first champion left the tent, Dumbledore's voice boomed through the speaker "Three of
our champions have now faced their dragons
and so each one of them will proceed
to the next task. And now our fourth
and final contestant."

"Who's first?" I ask

"Diggory"  Draco says with a shrug. I nod before turning gaze to the field.

After each champion had went it was now potters turn. He walked out shaking and noticeably pale. He looked up at the ground he seen me and smiled a little before his attention was pulled back to the dragon who roared.

The dragon went for Potter but missed and potter hide behind a giant rock. He looked afraid.

Granger screamed at him before he actually started to move. He pulled out his wand and summoned his broom, he quickly mounted it and zoomed up into the air. The dragon copied and pulled up snapping the weak chain and following potter.

Harry is flying at high speed around the Hogwarts buildings.The dragon cuts him off and whips him off his broom, he lands
on the roof of Hogwarts, hanging on for dear life. The dragon-is clambering across the roof, strewing tiles as it goes. Harry reaches his broom but it's stuck. He jerks it loose and lets
go of the roof just in time before the dragon swipes at him.He falls a long way but regains control. He flies on to an area with a bridge, he flies through a gap in the bridge but the dragon
crashes into it and falls into the water.

The crowds are mostly silent. We see Harry flying towards us and the crowd erupts. He goes straight for the golden egg. And snatched it up and lands. The crowd screamed louder everyone cheering his name. He holds the egg up high and students start to chant.

He walks off into the tent and granger raced to check on him

"I can't believe potter actually did it" Draco said. I laugh at his face "I know I can't believe it either".

Walking out of the stadium, I see potter surrounded by Gryffindors getting praised for his amazing flying. He called my name, Draco tensed. I giggled and kissed his cheek "I'll be right back I promise"

I walk over to potter "well done Potter you did prove a lot of people wrong by staying alive"

His eyebrows furrowed "I did?"

I nod "yes and surprisingly me being one of them" I think for a moment "I'm never usually wrong this is a weird feeling"

Potter laughs "wow thanks melody"

I shrug "what I'm a slytherin what did you expect" he just laughs. "Well I best be off well done again Potter you deserved it"

Waving goodbye I walked over to Draco and link hands and stroll off. I glance to see potter with clenched fist staring but his expression softens when I glance at him.

Well that's unusual

Word count:1115

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