Chapter 63

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"I know boy soon were we'll go for a nice run. Doesn't that sound nice" I let obsidians nose staring into his eyes I had taken the morning to myself to see my baby one last time before everything went down.

Leaving the stables I make my way up the manor. It was empty. Except the dinning room. It was lit by candle light and it was set with the best of the Malfoy's China and cutlery. Draco emerges smiling at me.

"Hi love" he kisses my cheek and holds out his hand. "I though we could have dinner together"

I grin. "Sounds wonderful dray" he smiles and pulls out my seat allowing me to sit but helping me push it in before sitting next to me.

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you but I don't think Cissa would approve I really should have changed into more appropriate dinner attire" I blush while laughing.

"You could wear rags and still look like a queen" he kisses my hand.

"You always make me feels like I'm one"

"That's because you are"

We eat are meal while talking a little bit, I've missed his company the last couple of months. Things have just gotten completely out of control.

Once dinner is done I stand up and smile, staring into his grey eyes my heart races. Grabbing his hand I pull him behind me, we walk upstairs and I push him into his room before locking his bedroom.

I take a step forward and Draco mimics my movement before eventually we are stood in front of each other.

Wrapping my arms around his neck and pull him close, our kiss was different this time more heated and intense. I felt my eyes roll back into the back of my head as he deepened the kiss.

I pull back and look into his grey brown eyes, My cheeks flushed and my breathing more ragged than earlier. I caress his face a nod.

"Are you sure?" His voice husky making me feel incredibly warm.

I nod "I've never been a more sure

He scoops me up and carries me to the bed before setting me down delicately. My heart rate increases as he stares at me

"If you want me to stop just say so okay"

(- Start -)

Not trusting my voice I merely nod he begins to undress leaving him in his boxers which is a sight I was used to but this time it felt different I blushed

He begins to take of my top and he removes my pants leaving me in my underwear

"Wow Mel" he says in a strained voice "you're beautiful"

I look to see a noticeable bulge that was now very visible, Draco leaned down and kisses me my neck. He unclasps my bra with out breaking the kiss.

His dick was standing up, I wrap my hand around him and squeeze a little. Draco groans.

"Mel you don't have to"

I grin. "I want to"

Licking the tip of him I take him into my mouth and begin to glide my hand up and down pumping his fast while bobbing my head.

I feel him pulsate underneath me jerking his hips forward causing him to go even deeper his breathing faster

"Love move I'm going to-"

I squeeze him hard causing him to groan instead of talk and he comes in my mouth. It tastes salty I just swallow.

He sits up and stares at my breast. He leans down and cups my boob in his large hand he rubs the bud causing my nipples to harden at the contact

He removes his hand and he takes my breast into his mouth, My breathing increases as He swirls his tongue around the time and begins to suck

I couldn't contain a moan that escaped my mouth, subconsciously I began to grind my lower half against Draco

He released my breath before give the other one the same treatment, I run my hand through his blonde locks and he groans. He nips my breast a little causing me to jump

He sits up and stares at me, My breasts hardened and my face noticeably flushed. He trails his hand from my boob down my stomach to the top of my Lacey undies I was wears.

He lifts the band and begins to pull them down he stops and looks at my face as if asking for consent I nod and he continued to strip me. Pulling them all the way off I'm completely bare in front of him

His penetrating gaze causing me to cover myself a little bit he grabs my hand and pins them

"Don't ever hid yourself from Love. You're breathtaking" he kisses me deeply

Using his knee he parts my legs and he guides his fingers around my opening and plays with my clit causing me to jump up. I feel a shudder cast over my body as he mercilessly plays with it. Without any warning he plunges a finger in me and begins to pump in and out

He pumps In and out repeatedly before adding another finger, I feel my walls clench around him. My eyes almost roll out of my head when he adds a third finger, i feel a build up in my lower abdomen

My moans get louder as he picks up the pacing causing me to come all over his fingers. Trying to lower my breathing Draco lowers his face to my private area and using his hands swing my legs up as wide as they can go.

I groan when I feel the cold air on my sensitive lower area, Draco blows on my clit cause me to automatically try close my legs but his strong grip prevented me from doing that.

Draco went down lower and began to lap my folds with his tongue, the foreign feeling gave me so much pleasure I cry out. His tongue dips in and he keeps going.

I can feel myself getting wetter, he pulls back and begins to take off his boxers. I hand him his wand and he preforms a enchantment we were taught the start of year two for protected sex. He stares at me.

"Are you ready love"

"Yes" I breath out. He kisses me deeply before he pushes himself in. I can feel tears brim my eyes.

"Love are you okay?"

I nod "that was sore". He kisses my lips and he fills me completely I couldn't breath I felt like I was so full it was such a weird sensation.

He pulled back in and out and continued to do that for a while and eventually the pain subsides and he picks up the pace the pleasure over beating my sense on complete. Over drive as he pounds in and out of me. I feel a massive build up in my lower are and Draco grabs one of legs and throws it over his shoulder the angle causing him to go deeper hitting my G-spot repeatedly

"Draco" I moan out loudly. He begins to go deeper harder. His hips hitting mine with each trust. I pant trying to get some air into my lungs. I moan loudly as I climax and Draco's groans become louder and I feel him swell before releasing as well . He pulls out and lays on beside me, he is breathing heavily.

( - END - )

"That was fantastic". Draco speaks out first. I rest my head on his chest and giggle.

"I love you draco" I kiss his chest.

"I love you too melody" he lifts my chin so I'm staring at him. "When we make it through this I'm going to marry you"

My cheeks flush. "I can't wait". Leaning in to kiss his soft red lips one last time before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

Word count: 1313

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