Chapter 56

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We left the room of requirement and began walking aimlessly down the corridor. Most students had gone to the hall for dinner.

"I don't know how we're going to kill him Draco" I grab his hand. He sighs.

"I'll do it"

I shake my head. "I can't let you hold that burden alone"

He kissing my hand. "For you id do anything".

"Stop trying to be all romantic! I'm serious" I giggle.

"You Love it don't lie"

I roll my eyes. "I suppose"

Walking into the Slytherin common room we take are usual seats and I lay my head on his lap. He rubs his face. "I can't wait for it to be over tomorrow."

"It's just the beginning" I say with a frown.

"I guess you're right". He starts to play with my hair. "I love your hair it's always so soft."

I yawn. "Liar".

"I swear it is". I close my eyes and nod. "Are you falling asleep on me again"

"No" I mutter out with my eyes still closed.

"Good because if-" before I heard the rest on the sentence I fell asleep.

"Love". I'm shook from my sleep. I stare up at Draco and whine before resuming my position. "I have to use the bathroom"

"Stupid" he chuckles.

"It's hardly my fault"

I shrug and stay put. "Should've went before hand"

"You fell asleep on me"

I raise an eyebrow. "And how is that my fault"

He chuckles "just move".

"Fine I'm moving. I wasn't to get food anyway".  It was cloudy outside. It was stormy. I loved storms. I take a seat on the window.

"Be right back". I nod. I stare into his tired face, my heart clenched for me. He walks off in the direction of the bathrooms

It was peacefully quiet throughout the school. I closed my eyes and soaked it in. The sound of glass breaking made me sit up straighter.

"What was that?" I whisper out to myself. I heard shouting someone was in a duel of some sort.

The commotion led to the male bathrooms. I stood in front of the door.

"Sectumsempra!" I jumped as the spell blew the door off. Staring in I see potter his hair disheveled. He was panting. The mirror behind him smashed along with the door.

He met my gaze and immediately looked down guilty. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed his gaze. My heart dropped into my stomach.

Draco was on the floor his shirt ripped blood oozing out of the slash marks on his chest. I screamed.

"DRACO!" I rush to his side and pick his head up. "Draco baby can you hear me". I shake him. "You can't leave me!" Traitorous tears spilled out of my eyes "your not allowed to forever and ever remember come on" I apply pressure. "I love you don't leave me as well you're all I've got!" I whimper. Snape seemed to appear by my side.

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