Chapter 35

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I stood staring at the team members dumbridge had chosen. I then turned to look at Draco, We all must have looked like complete dorks or worse teachers pets.

The team consist of 13 students and two teachers. Professor umbridge and argus filch were the teachers over myself and Draco's head. The team members I actually liked were Amanda, Daphne, Theo, Blaise.

And then of course there were others who I weren't particularly found of Pansy Parkinson for example followed by Millicent Bulstrode, Crabbe and Goyle. Some student called Graham Montague and Cassius Warrington. Along with some Sixth Year Girl.

Umbridge entered the room in one of her bright pink suits making me gag internally. She smiled when she seen us all standing with our pins on. She stood up and motioned us to sit.

I had honestly felt like such a suck up at this moment in time. I rolled my eyes and gave dumbridge my attention not that she deserved it.

"Thank you all for agreeing to join this very important group" she smiles sweetly at filch.

"You now have been given a great responsibility you must make sure everyone stays inline and keep a close watch to those who wish to cause-" she paused " chaos".

Everyone nods "excellent you're dismissed! Miss Robinson may I have a word" I sigh and trudge up.

"Yes professor?"

She looks at me intently "I expect you to keep your team organised and running effectively and efficiently understood"

"Of course" I turn and exit and walk down the hall to where my group was waiting. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"What did the toad want?"

"She gave me a pep talk say I must keep my team organised and 'running effectively and efficiently'" I mimic her voice causing everyone burst out laughing. I huff in annoyance "she bugs me and now I'm a bloody teachers pet because she couldn't leave me be!" I exclaim

Daphne shakes her head "no not really everyone knows she forced the position upon you so you're in the clear". I nod.

Draco talks my hand "how about we get ready to go to hogsmede? The group hasn't left?"

"That's a great ideas dray" I peck his cheek and walk up to my dorm and grab cloak and scarf before walking back downstairs with the girls. We all walk out to the students who are waiting patiently to go. I lock eyes with potter and he smiles, I just stare before facing forward again.

We leave hogwarts and make the brief walk to hogsmede until we arrive. The group splits and me and Draco walk through the small town. I lean into Draco for warmth and sigh staring around, its so peaceful.

"What wrong love?" I blink up at him and smile "nothing"

"Tell me" he pouts and pecks my forehead.

"It's so peaceful here" he furrows his eyebrows together "and that upset you why love?"

I shrug "what if-" I pause "you know who never gets defeated ? And we never get to have a normal life? You know like everyone else, we'll be trapped forever" he kisses my forehead.

"Don't think of that love" I look down but he picks my face up by placing his hand under my chin "we'll always have each other and that's a promise as long as I'm with you I promise you forever" I smile at the boy who's without a doubt captured my heart for eternity. I kiss his lips and pull away slowly.

"How about a Butterbeer?" I giggle and nod. Taking his hand in mine we walk in comfortable silence.

We arrived back 45 minutes ago and dinner was about to start soon but I was curled up with a muggle book I had found in the library. I'm guessing a previous muggle student left it there, I liked it. It's title was pride and prejudice and it was rather intriguing.

The main character Elizabeth Bennett is quite a sassy little character. I was interrupted from my book due to tapping on my window, sitting up I place my book mark in the book and get up and make my way over to the window.

Eclipse hoots and flies in landing on her usual spot. I remove the letter from her leg before letting her, I open the letter that has my family's stamp on the back, and begin to read.

Dearest Melody

I know it has indeed been quite a while since I've written you a letter. I understand if you do not wish to write back to me but I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive a foolish old man.

Your mothers passing was incredibly hard on me, it shattered my heart in two, I felt utterly lost without her, when she left she took the biggest part of me with her.

When you've been in love all your life with one woman you don't know how to function without her. I miss Her beautiful eyes, I miss her breathtaking smile and without a doubt I miss her voice.

You my dear reminded me of your mother so much that to be around you after her death was unbelievably painful. I know that does not excuse my actions but I want you to understand that I forgot that I was not the only person who was grieving a loss. And you too were hurting and I wasn't there.

I'm sorry you had to go through everything you've had alone.

I love you Melody

Your father


Tears dropped on to the page as I re/read my fathers words. The letter did indeed pull my heart strings I longed to hug him. I felt bad for hating him, I guess I forgot mom was his first and only love and losing her was like losing himself in the process.

I placed the letter down before sighing, I was still upset at him for not preventing me for becoming a death eater but I knew it was inevitable. I sighed before folding it up and stuffing it under my pillow and stood up.

I would forgive my father because I know it is what mother would have wanted and although he pushed me away I miss him terribly. I nodded to myself I grab my want and exit the room. I would have to write back to father later.

Walking down the stairs I feel weight being lifted off my shoulders and I smile and make my way to the hall. Maybe everything would be okay.

I did have my mother as a guardian angel now so I know she'll watch over me.


Word count:1116

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