Chapter 9

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Fluttering my eyes open I hear midnight hoot, trying to sit up I can't as I feel something restrict me. Turning I see Draco fast asleep his hair un-gelled, He looked so peaceful

I wonder how mother made father agree to this because I knew he would not be please with me sharing a bed with Draco no matter how close we are

I nudge him softly and he groans before burying his face into my shoulder causing me to shudder

This should not be happening

"Dray come on I have to use the bathroom"

"Five more minutes Melody"

I groan "dray"

"Ok fine" he lets me go and rolls over

Standing up I rush over to my bathroom, looking in the mirror I look quite presentable I comb out my hair and go about my business before entering my room again

I observe Draco he's in a green and silver pyjama bottom and a black top

"Dray are you planning on waking up anytime today?" He mutters into my pillow  "I've heard many languages but never anything like that"

He pulls his face out of the pillow and looks at me, he looks rather handsome with his hair un-gelled

"I asked what time is it" his force husky and groggy

"It's 8:57 am and you have to get up because we're going to Diagon Alley today to get our school supplies"

"Fine" He mutters

"I'll meet you down stairs dray"

As I was already dressed I grabbed my cloak and wand and made my way stairs where my parents and the Malfoy's were waiting

"Good morning sweetheart how did you sleep"

"Good father how was the end of the party?"

"Rather uneventful"

"Where is Draco?" Cissa asked

"Oh He's just getting ready he should be down In a few moments" They all nodded I grabbed some fruit and sprinkled it in my porridge

Draco enters and takes a seat beside me, He copy's my previous actions and begin to eat

"Children once you are finished Lucius and your father melody will bring you Diagon Alley"

"Yes mother"

Diagon Alley was packed as usual myself and Draco decided to grab our new robes first entering the shop I feel a sense of deja vu

"Miss Robinson how lovely to see you again here for new pair of robes I assume?" I nod my head

"Yes thank you"

"How's that boyfriend of yours doing?"

I stare at the old woman "boyfriend?"

"Yes that young charmer you've managed to snatch up I believe he's a young Malfoy?"

Furrowing my eyebrows I look at her "Draco and I aren't dating"

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