Chapter 20

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Leaving the train I walk onto the platform. The crowds part as I walk through no one meeting my gaze, all heads slightly bowed. Hagrid waves to potter to his standing two foot away from me.

He always did have the teacher at his beck and call, something that annoyed me greatly. He truly was treated as if he is a celebrity. But he's not he's just a boy who got lucky and escaped the grasp of death.

I flick my cloak behind me and make my way towards the carriages, the black coloured monster stood in front it was terrifyingly beautiful. It's Wings tucked away it's breathing calm. Walking up I place a hand on its nose and stroke it.

"Melody come on the carriage Is leaving" I leave the creature before walking over to Amanda who saved me a seat.

The ride to hogwarts castle was silent only small chit chat was made, Draco every so often would smile at me and my heart would flutter.

Stepping of the carriage I see the teachers of the four houses present. I walk up beside Draco, Professor Snape stops me for a second.

"Melody" I stop he called me my first name something he rarely does "once again i would like to give my deepest condolences I know last year was difficult but if there's ever anything I can do let me know"

I smile at the professor before nodding my head "thank you sir"

Continuing up the stairs I enter the great school, the ghosts all floating around freaking out some of the new first years who seem shocked to see them. I head to the dorms and decide to unpack before dinner.

Opening my door I place the trunk on the floor and fling it up I empty out my clothing and hang them up, I take out my make up and perfume. And I pull out two picture frames one of me and Draco dancing at a New Years ball at Malfoy Manor.

And the other me and my parents. It was a moving picture I was young sitting on mothers lap while she was on a swing, father pushing us we were all smiling, laughing. Tears filled my eyes again before I quickly wiped them.

Exiting the room I fix myself before entering the hall and sitting next to Draco.Dumbledores speech seemed to drag on and all the first years were giggle at the thought of finally being sorted. In total it probably took an extra 30 minutes to sort them out.

The feast was grand as it normally always is different types of food and desserts were displayed on in front of me and yet nothing caught my eye I merely opted for something small to just fill my stomach.

Pugface was chattering to Millicent and another girl I didn't care to learn her name.
"Yea she's gone all dark since her moms death quite pathetic really"

I slammed my fist into the table "hey Pugface if you have something to say grow and pair of balls and say it to me"

She gulped and turned back to her followers refusing to say another word. Dumbledore interrupted everyone's with a clap.

"As you are all probably aware by now Hogwarts as been chosen this year to hold the triwizarding tournament!"There were a couple of cheers from people who were eligible "unfortunately this year due to safety reasons the students much be about year 4" there were many protest and people arguing about how it was unfair

Dumbledore merely put his hand up silencing everyone "I know many of you are disappointed but the ministry believes it is in everyone's best interest hogwarts will be taking part along with other schools"

The doors flew open "now every give a round of applause for the Beauxbatons" a group of girls in blue uniforms emerged through the door doves flying through the air and the students dancing very elegantly. A extremely large woman entered she was even taller than Hagrid if that's possible.

I looked at Draco who was staring at me intensely "what?" I question

"You're just gorgeous" I blush red

"Ohhh the love birds are chirping I repeat the love bird are chirping!" Amanda screams out causing a few stares.

"And now Durmstrang" men with sticks and entered chanting and doing failed I rolled my eyes at the before continuing to eat my pie that was in front of me

"Everyone who wishes to enter may place there name in the fire and they shall be entered and picked at a later day"

Draco pokes me "look it's mad eyes moody"

I looked up to the teachers table were a man with a glass was sitting sneaking a drink ever so often. The boys from Durmstrang way at our table, one day across from me smiling. He was Krums best friend by the look of him, I feel Draco clench his jaw.

I heard Amanda and daphne giggle "You ok Draco?" They tease

"Fine" He gruffed out

Everyone was sent to their dorms after dinner, the boys had to share in the Slytherin dorms. I walked up to my room and climbed into bed and grabbed a quill and ink.

Dear father

How are you? I feel like it's been ages since we've talked.

Hogwarts is okay, Were holding the Triwizarding Tournament this year anyone in my year and below are not allowed to compete.

The Malfoy's send their love and support.

I miss you father

Much love

Calling eclipse I give her a treat and the letter. Pulling my duvet over my head I doze off almost instantly dreaming of my blonde best friend.

Waking up I sigh, I pushed the sad depressing thoughts a side and pull on my uniform,I had grown over the summer the skirt was shorter.

I put on a pair of black court shoes the heel clicked on the concrete floor and made my make up dramatic and with red matte lipstick to top it off. My hair was down, waves cascading down back.

Grabbing my black leather satchel and my wand and left the dorm walking down the stairs, everyone stops and stares at me.Dumstrang boys gulp and Draco is glaring with clenched fist.

"Come on Draco I'm starving"

He shots up and grabs my hand "Mel what are you wearing?"

"Is there something wrong?" I question with a raised eyebrow

"N-No you look gorgeous that's the problem everyone's staring"

"I still don't see the problem?"

He releases an aggravated sigh "It annoys me Melody!"

I put a hand on my hip "well how's that my fault!"

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU FOR MERLINS SAKE!" He slaps a hand over his mouth when he realises what he's just said. I imagine my face was something along the lines of a deer caught in lights I froze mouth a gap.

"Y-You love me" I whisper to myself. He fidgets and scratches the back of his neck avoiding my gaze

"Just forget i-"

"I love you too" I blurt out. His eyes light up and he grins ear to ear.

He grabs my waist and pulls me to a kiss. His lips are soft and warm against mine. His breath minty fresh, I lift my hand and run it through his soft hair. We break apart panting from the kiss my cheeks flush lips swollen, Draco smiles before speaking

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that"

"'Me too"

Word count:1258

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